Lilac Cookie (Unique)

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User SomethingNStuff666:
"Or maybe Lilac x Yogurt Cream's mute cousin (who's kinda like jasmine, with pet tigers and such) one day Lilac hears her talk for the first time?"

This ones cute! Sure!

Pronouns: She/her
(readers pronouns, not Lilacs lol)



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❤︎.Lilac pays attention to people who are around Yogurt Cream Cookie, but he's been told not to react if you get close, as Yogurt Cream suggested.

❤︎.At first he doesn't take much interest into you, but he does find your relationship with tigers and other animals neat.

❤︎.Lilac however, sometimes thinks you'll turn out just like Scorpion Cookie. He's told to trust you, as you mean no harm, but there's still doubt. It'll take a while for Lilac to trust you.

❤︎.It doesn't take long for Lilac to realize you're mute, as most conversations sound like a one sided conversation. You still 'talk', but not with your voice.

❤︎.This sparks a small interest for you, is it a medical condition? Are you selectively mute? Is it from trauma? Discomfort? He doesn't know, but he also thinks it's none of his business.

❤︎.He sees you a lot, you're not hard to spot. Maybe it's because your super good with kids, or if you're not, your appearance isn't too forgettable. (don't take this wrong olspls)

❤︎.Again, you're Yogurt Cream's cousin, so you guys must have some bond with each other. I can imagine him ranting on how beautiful you are and how you'll marry someone worth your beauty one day. It's just small teasing, but Yogurt Cream fully believes it. All while Lilac is forced to endure this.

❤︎.I can imagine his darling being someone wealthy, or at the max, rich. Lilac doesn't care much about that, he's just more interested in your person. Your mysteriousness is what draws him in.

❤︎.While Lilac is a bodyguard, he gets breaks. So  imagine one day he's taking a small stroll, when he hears a woman giggling. Now, he isn't necessarily alerted, but he's more of, why is a woman laughing? Why haven't I heard this voice before?

❤︎.He quietly looks for the sound, when he spots you, giggling as your tiger is acting so clingy, like a kitten.

❤︎.Lilac is definitely taken aback, but he quickly hides himself to my alert you or the tiger.

❤︎.Then he Watches how you not so quietly talk to your tiger, barely above a whisper. Your voice is a little raspy, as for not talking for so long. It's hard to be completely alone when people ask soo many questions they know you won't answer, or swarming you just for your beauty.

❤︎.Well, you're not alone. Lilac just listens to your voice, wondering if it's the last time he'll hear it. But even so, it amazes him. How soothing your small whispers are, how you're so interesting. How you're so special.

❤︎.Lilac quickly leaves after he thinks it's enough, and tries to go on about his day.

❤︎.After a couple weeks upon meeting you, Lilac takes a chance. A chance he'll never forget, a chance that can either ruin his life or complete his life.

❤︎.By this time he's fallen in love with you, the woman who's so mysterious and the one who's caught his eye.

❤︎.So, Lilac privately asks permission from Yogurt Cream to marry you.

❤︎.How he promises that if Yogurt Cream grants his approval, he'll protect  you. Just as he's protected Yogurt Cream.

❤︎.Yogurt Cream does care about you, and he knows that if you're gonna be happy in a marriage, it's gonna be with Lilac.

❤︎.He approved! Good! Now Lilac won't have to pull out plan B!

❤︎.Lilac doesn't want you to be unhappy about all this, so he tries to build small relationship (or more) before the wedding.

❤︎.Lilac will also be the one to tell you about the arranged marriage. He tells you that he'll do everything right, how that he promises to make you happy.

❤︎.If you're saddened about it, or object the wedding from moving forward, Lilac will calmly tell you how he's the safer option. How other people will try to marry you to use you for darker ways. Reminding you that Lilac will do nothing but try to make you happy.

❤︎.He even goes dress shopping with you! Suggesting dresses and always praising you as you show the one the picked, or, he did.

❤︎.Lilac also doesn't force you to talk, at all. He doesn't even force you to say "I do"! He just wants a simple nod, that's all.

❤︎.After the marriage, you're guaranteed a happy life with Lilac.

❤︎.After all, he's a man of his word.


This kinda sucks, sorry! But it was fun to write :))

ఌ𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎! 𝙲𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚒𝚎𝚁𝚞𝚗ఌOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora