Chapter 1

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"Another successful surgery," Dr. Oh said praising the tall slender alpha emerging from the operating room removing her robe. "You never fail to surprise me Dr. Manoban."

"Thank you Dr. Oh," said doctor replied showing almost no emotion at all as she walked to the sink and started washing her hands. "I couldn't have done it without the help of our amazing nurses and staff."

"You're far too humble Lisa," Sehun said grinning. "You're one of the best surgeons in the world and we are very lucky to have you with us."

"Well this is my family's hospital, it makes sense that I would work here," Lisa said grabbing a towel to dry her hands. "If you'll excuse me Dr. Oh, I must go inform the family."

"Yes of course."

Lisa stepped out into the main hallway and almost immediately got the attention of all the doctors, nurses, and patients there. She was a different kind of alpha than most. Female alphas were plentiful certainly, but she seemed to have more powerful pheromones than everyone else. It was powerful enough to even affect level-headed betas.

It wasn't that Lisa didn't enjoy all the attention she got nor all the hundreds of propositions by just about every unmated person in the hospital, it was the fact that the attention never stopped...ever. Even as she walked towards the waiting room she could hear a group of nurses talking.

"Jisoo," one of them said. "You've known Dr. Manoban for a long time, you went to high school together. What is she like? You think I got a shot?"

Kim Jisoo, one of the best nurses in the hospital, sighed and said, "just because we went to high school together doesn't mean we're close. Her closest friend is Dr. Park. In fact by close friend I mean ONLY friend. She doesn't like to get too close to people and she doesn't do relationships. So I can tell you now that you don't have a shot."

"We can't talk to Dr. Park about this! She will wreck us!" the third nurse in their group said. "She's a hardass!"

"That's cause she's in an arranged marriage with this alpha who only comes to Japan like twice a year," the first nurse said. "Omegas have needs too. I can understand why Dr. Park is so stuck up, she only gets it twice a year!"

"You stop it before someone hears you," Jisoo cautioned. "If it gets back to Dr. Park that you're gossiping about her, she'll have your carcass for dinner."

Lisa shook her head slightly. Same as always. Gossip. That's all that happened in this hospital outside of saving lives, gossip and drama. Lisa wanted nothing to do with it. Relationships only caused pain and heartbreak and sex was worse. She had no need for any of those things. She was quite happy being alone and having Rosé as a friend and using her fleshlight when her alpha pheromones demanded relief. There was no need to ever get close to anyone.

Even her own family was different. Her father was supposed to be the director of their hospital but he decided to marry some woman and go travel the world with her and her daughter. So now that second-rate doctor, Oh Sehun, was the acting director until Lisa completed her five years as an attending that she needed to become the director herself.

She worked hard to accomplish what she has so far. Four years studying pre-med and Biology, multiple exams, four years of medical school, one year as an intern, five years as a resident, then one year doing a fellowship before she finally became an attending. She was 35, her second year as an attending, and she was the best surgeon in all of South Korea.

Imagine if she had let stupid relationships get in the way of that. "Lisa," Rosé greeted walking alongside her and removing her surgical cap to revealing her blonde hair.

"Just got out of surgery?" Lisa asked.

"Yep, unlike you general surgeons, us neurosurgeons have to stay standing for hours on end," she complained. "My feet are killing me."

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