Nagisa Vs Takaoka

Start from the beginning

"Terasaka," Itona muttered, glancing over at the larger boy. "Your eyes have changed,"

My eyes widened.

"The slow-witted cow who dimly chews the grass before it is no match for the wolf with cow-killing vision." Itona recited.

Terasaka smirked.

Nagisa put the stun gun in his belt loop. He took his jacket off, which flew away in the wind. Leaving him in only a tank top. Nagisa still held the knife in his right hand.

"Ooh, don't we look vicious?" Takaoka patronized, taking off his jacket too.

Kayano gulped. "Question, Sir. Why did Nagisa put the stun gun away?" Koro-sensei couldn't answer?

"He'll use it," I said.

"How do you know?" Rinka asked.

"I just do," I replied, never taking my eyes off the fight before me.

"See you're opting for the knife, good on you." Takaoka congratulated the boy. "I knew you'd see the light. Wanna know a little secret?" He held up three vials of antidote. "I didn't blow up every vial of the antidote. Now either you come at me and your pals keep a respectful distance, or what's left of the chances of survival go bye-bye. Everyone infected will die!"

Takaoka turned his attention to the group that watched with worry.

"Hear that, Karasuma? It's just me and the boy!" He yelled victoriously as the teacher growled. "This stuff takes a lot to cook up under ideal conditions. Now sure there's not enough for everyone, but saving some is better than saving none!"

"Mr. Karasuma," Koro-sensei said seriously, low enough for just the man to hear him. "I hate to ask this of you but, if at any moment you believe Nagisa's life to be in jeopardy, please do not hesitate to shoot Takaoka."

Karasuma turned his gaze back to the duo.

Nagisa shifted to a fighting stance, and Takaoka mirrored him.

Takaoka, barehanded, rushed forward to meet the boy.

There was a grunt, a sound of impact and Nagisa flew back from the forceful kick to his chest. He skidded on the concrete heliport and scrambled to his knees, coughing.

"Ha!" Takaoka made his way closer to the boy. "That all you got? Where's that homicidal rage now you're on your ass? You little snot rag."

Nagisa glared and shot forward once again, the older man easily dodged him. Takaoka cackled madly and clenched his fist. 

Takaoka dashed forward and punched Nagisa in the face. The boy stumbled away but Takaoka didn't relent. He hit the boy again before kicking him in the back.

Kayano whimpered in fear.

Rinka looked away and scoffed. "So not a fair match." She murmured in annoyance.

"Yeah." Sugaya agreed. "Not kidding, right? He doesn't have a prayer."

"Jeez you two, have a little more faith," I said.

"Oh." Takaoka cooed. "Hey now, don't peter out. We're just getting started." Nagisa let out a painful breath, his arms shaking from exertion as he was on all fours. "That's right," he held up a knife similar to the one Nagisa had. "We haven't incorporated this old girl into the mix."

Takaoka strolled forward, flipping the knife expertly in his hand.

Takaoka pointed his knife at the boy threateningly. "I split you from groin to grin and savor the screams. I'll sever your hands and feet and mount them above my mantle like trophies!"

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