~*Chapter 27*~

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*Liam's POV*
"Hey guys before we go meet James I wanna thank you all." I say making them look at each other in confusion. The only one that understands what I'm getting at is Louis who's looking at me with a knowing smirk.

"Baby what'da ya mean?" Zayn ask "Louis come here." I say grabbing Louis' hand. "Lads we pretty much only had each other, and you welcomed us into your house. And you didn't treat us any different just because we have money. And you even kept us around after all we put you through with our parents. Plus Louis and I met the love of our lives. Just thank you,"I say.

"Niall, are you crying?" Louis laughs "No" Niall says wiping his eyes, and hiding his face in Josh's neck. Making us laugh. "It's alright baby being sensitive is sexy,"Josh says kissing his neck.

"Li, you and Lou. Don't need to thank us. Zayn and I love you plus we also met the love of our lives. And Josh and Niall got some new friends,"Harry says.

"Yeah, Lou I should be thanking you. If you wouldn't have brought Lottie into our lives. Niall wouldn't have an engagement ring,"Josh laughs. "I don't know how to take that, because it sounds like you like my sister more than me,"Louis says making us laugh.

"Well the truth is the truth,"Josh jokes. "Well that was rude and hurtful,"Louis jokes.
"It's alright baby I love you let Josh be dumb,"Harry says connecting their lips.

"Tommo you know I'm joking,"Josh says. "Hazza's just protective, it's very sexy,"Louis says making everyone but Harry roll their eyes. "Well this is all sweet and I love you all. Some more than others,"Zayn says hip checking me making me blush. "But we better get going,"He says.

"After we sign papers Zee can you go pick up the twins from preschool and Haz and I go get the girls or vise versa?" Louis ask. "Yeah, Lou their our family now too,"Zayn says.

"I don't know if I wanna pick up Earnest he picks on me,"Zayn jokes. "No Zee he caught you cheating and you didn't like the fact you'd been caught,"I say making him blush.

"But yeah Lou I guess we'll help you pick them up even Earnest,"He jokes. "Lou we love them like family,"Zayn says making us nod.

"Oh gosh the girls are gonna hate that,"Louis laughs making us give him a confused look. "Well thanks,"Niall says. "No, you don't understand. When one of the girls would bring home a guy it used to just be me they had to be scared of maybe Li every once in while. But now theirs six,"Louis says making us laugh.

"Hey it's not just the girls Earnest may pick on me but I'm still protective. He's gonna find himself a girl or a lad which ever way he wants to swing,"Zayn says makings us laugh. "Ok lads we really do need to get going. We're meeting James at Li's parent's company,"Louis says.

"Hey boys,"James says walking over to us. "Louis we actually don't need to go to your all's company. Their gonna fax the papers over here for you to sign. So you and Liam can both sign here,"He says.

"Actually, James ya know how since the company was owned by both our parents?" I ask making him nod. "Well Liam and I talked and we're gonna split it six ways. We want the lads to have a say so too,"Louis says. "Oh, ok I'm sure you've already thought of how you're parents are gonna react?" He ask

"Yeah, but we can deal with them,"I say smiling at Zayn. "Ok, well let's go get these papers signed,"James says.

"Well you all now own some of the company." James says as we walk out an hour later. "Thank you James, for everything,"I say "You're very welcome. Oh, your parents hearing has been moved to Thursday. You all need to be there,"He says.

"This Thursday?" I ask slightly panicking. "Yeah, the judge has to have surgery,"He says.

"So like we have to face them?" I ask him my breath picking up. "Liam baby I'll be there the whole time,"Zayn says wrapping his arms around me. "He's right Liam we're all here for the both of you. I know their lying, and theirs several guys at the station that know their lying. You all will be fine. I'll see you all Thursday,"James says. "See ya mate,"I say.

"Ok who's going to get who?" Louis ask "We can go get the twins" I tell him. "Ok, thanks we'll meet you at home,"He says. "Oh Li don't let Earnest pick on Zayn,"Louis winks.

"Hey, Lou? Did you get your car back recently or were you planning to use mine?" Josh ask making Louis give him a confused look. "Yours, is that not ok?" He ask "No, it's fine I'd just rather you use the keys. Ya know rather than like hot wiring it." He smiles dangling his keys making us all laugh. "Your an arsehole. Give me those,"Louis says grabbing the keys.  "Ni and I are gonna ride in the other car so they'll be room for everyone,"Josh says.
"Ok see ya in about hour." Louis says grabbing Harry's hand.


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