~*Chapter 3*~

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*Liam's POV
"Harry sorta ask me out." Louis says on our back to the park.

"What'd you mean sorta well he didn't say it was a date but he invited me, well us to a party Josh decided to have they're all roommates,"He says with a smile.

"Yeah Zayn ask me too. What'd ya think. Our parents would kill us, because according to them their not good enough people,"I say rolling my eyes.

"Li,do you like Zayn?" Louis ask

"Yeah, he's not only drop dead gorgeous, but he's sweet and cares about people." I tell him

"Ok, we've always said we didn't care what they looked liked. Or how much money they made. As long as they were nice and treated us right. So what are we waiting for?" Louis ask with a smirk.

"Ok how are we getting there? I mean if we don't want them to know we're rich we can't exactly drive our cars,"I say.

"Yeah I know, today's Wednesday so I'll come over  tomorrow and we can try and figure something out. Is that good?" He says as we get my car.

*Louis' POV*
"Hi Mrs.Payne is Liam here?" I ask Liam's mum the next day. "Yeah I guess." She says shrugging.

When I get to Liam's room he pacing.

"Liam, mate what's wrong?" I ask grabbing his shoulders.

"Well I got to thinking last night. Harry and Zayn have to find out we have money eventually, right?" He ask "I assume,"I say confused.

"Well we sorta just automatically thought they'd treat us differently. If we think there can ever be anything with these guys I think we need to tell them, and hope for the best.

That's the only way we're gonna see the real them. And I think we need to tell them ASAP. What'd ya think?" He ask

"Your right I'll txt Harry and see if him and Zayn can meet us I'll tell him we need to talk them." I tell him texting Harry within seconds my phone beeps telling me I've got a new txt. When I see Harry's name I think my face almost splits open with how wide I'm grinning. "They'll meet us at the diner in hour." I tell Liam making him nod.

*Liam's POV*
We've been sitting here at the diner for about fifteen minutes and I can't stop looking at the door.

"Li you've got to calm down. I'm nervous to, but what ever happens,happens. If they don't want anything to do with us after we tell them then they weren't right for us. Yeah it'll sucks, but I'll be there for you and you'll be there for me." Louis says patting my back as the bell to the diner rings.

Making Louis and I look toward the door seeing Harry and Zayn rushing toward our table.

"Is something wrong guys?" Harry and Zayn ask in a panicked voice.

"Well we'll see after we tell you something." I say making them look at each other confused, as I motion for them to sit down.

"Ok you all are scaring us what's going on?" Zayn ask. "Lou do you want to tell them or me?" I ask

"Go ahead I'm to nervous." He says "And I'm not? I feel like I'm gonna shit myself." I say making all three boys laugh.

"Ok lads what's up?" Harry ask. "Ok promise you'll let us finish before you say anything?" I ask making them nod.

"Ok well Louis and I don't see it hard where money's concerned. In fact we see it really well. Louis' dad is a movie producer. And both my parents are in the music industry." I say leaving them speechless.

"But, Zayn do you remember when I said Louis and I have always been outsiders?" I ask

"Yeah of course, I just don't get why you didn't say something? I'm not saying brag but you had us believing you were in the same boat as us." Zayn says confused and getting angry.

"Zayn, please calm down you said you'd let us explain." I say, "Ok, go ahead explain." He blows, Harry still seems shocked.

"Ok if you wanna or don't wanna be our friend we understand." I tell them making Zayn and Harry look at each nervously.

"Ok, the reason the rest of our family doesn't accept us is because, we don't care. We don't care about the money, we don't care about how much things cost. Then when we came out things went down hill big time. The only reason they let us still live with them is because if they kicked us out it'd be bad press. It felt nice just being one of the lads and in a diner instead of a five star restaurant. When people find out we have money they don't us like just one of lads. We'd love to stay friends, but warning our family won't except you. Which embarrasses us, because we can tell you're great people,"I ramble.

"Li, mate let them talk and tell us weather or not they still wanna hang out,"Louis Laughs.

"Yeah, we wish you would of told us, but I think we both understand why you didn't." Harry says looking at Zayn making him nod.

"So you all will accept us as just one of the lads not two rich freaks?" I ask making them laugh and nod.

"Ok guys, as I said we don't care about the money, but at the same time it does have certain perks." I say giving Louis smile.

"What'd you mean?" They ask in unison.

"Well we can buy the drinks for tomorrow if ya want? And if we're still invited,"I offer.

"Well of course your still invited. And we're not hanging out with you just because of your money. So you don't have to that,"Harry says.

"We want to, Liam and I aren't what you'd call popular. When we came out, even people in school hated us." Louis says with a frown. "You can get the drinks if you want to I guess but you don't have to,"Zayn says.

"Hey Liam can I talk to you for minute." Zayn ask as we walk out of the diner.  "I'll meet you in the car." I tell Louis giving him my keys. Making him give me a wink.

"Shut up Louis." I tell him pushing him toward the car. "Your mad aren't you?" I ask not making eye contact.

"Liam look at me please." He says lifting my head so our eyes meet. 

"I want to make one thing clear. I like you and I liked you before I knew about the money. So Im not a being a gold digger or whatever you wanna call it." He says making me laugh.

"But I'd like to see where this goes, so I'll see ya tomorrow?" He ask "I wouldn't miss  it." I tell him making him lean down kissing my cheek. Making my eyes go wide.

"Why are you so smiley,"Louis smirks. "He just kissed my cheek," I say touching where his lips touched. "I told you he liked you," Louis says. "Calm down he just wanted to tell me that he liked me before he knew about the money." I say causing Louis to aww.


AN:Please vote and leave some feedback I love to read your comments

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