~*Chapter 1*~

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*Liam's POV*
I've always been different than the rest of my family. Their money and the social ladder is all that matters to them. In fact they think I'm weird, but I don't care how much money someone makes. I'd rather them treat me right. My friend Louis is the only one that understands that. Louis and I are both gay and that didn't help us with fitting in with our families.

"I'm going to the park." I tell my mum. "Why?" My sister Ruth ask confused. "Because it's pretty out. Lou and and I thought we'd kick around the football a little." I tell them like it's obvious.

"You"ll be all dirty and sweaty" My other sister Nicola said with a disgusted look on her face. "Hey Nic, they've invented this great thing called a shower." I tell her making her roll eyes.

"Hey Lou." I say walking up to him. "Hey, mate sorry I'm little late. According to my family footie is below my standers." I say rolling my eyes. Making Louis laugh.

Louis' a lot better player than I am, but I try it's still fun. We can't play an actual game we don't have enough people.

We're sorta the outsiders,even at school. And our families act like their embarrassed of us.

"Ok Liam don't almost break my nose like last time." Louis jokes. "Ha ha, I said I was sorry for that. Footie isn't second nature to everyone." I tell him panicking when I see the ball fly by his head and bust a guy in the back of the head.

"Oh my gosh I'm so so sorry." I say walking up to the guy. With Louis walking behind me cackling. This guy is absolutely beautiful. He has raven black hair and his eyes oh my gosh his eyes are an amber color you could get lost in.

"Mate calm down . " I probably would've done the same thing my mate Niall makes fun of me all the time." He says pointing at one of his friends. 

"Oh I'm Liam and this is Louis." I tell him pointing at Louis.

"I'm Zayn, that's Niall and Harry." He says pointing to the other two guys.

"Do you all wanna play?"I ask "The teams would be uneven but since we have two people that act like their pros, it shouldn't be a problem,"I ask winking.

"Yeah we'd love to play,"Zayn says. "Oh, the teams won't be uneven." Niall I think is his name says making Zayn,Louis ,and I look at each other. I've noticed the curly haired guy has barely taken his eyes away from Louis since we walked up.

"Ni, their's only five of us,"Zayn says confused. "Oh, Josh just txt me he should be here any minute,"Niall says with a slight blush. "Lads we'd love to play, but I feel like we need to be truthful." Zayn says looking at the other two lads getting a nod.

"Well me, Harry, and Niall are ,um we're gay." Zayn says making Louis and I look at each other and burst out laughing.

"Yeah see Niall I knew when they found out they'd change their minds." Zayn says and Niall and Harry look like their fixing to cry. "Have fun, Zayn says starting to walk away.

"Zayn w-wait." I tell him trying to get my breath.

"What are you all gonna bully us now?"Zayn ask "What? No, I'm sorry the reason we laughed is we're both gay." I tell them. Making them smile.

"Really? So are you all like together?" Harry ask "What? Ewww!!   Louis' like my very annoying brother." I tell them with a smile. And I swear I saw Harry let out a breath.

"Hey lads."Another guy says coming up and wrapping his arms around Niall's waist. 

"Oh Josh this is Louis and Liam you wanna help me kick their arse at football." Niall ask leaning back against Josh's chest. "Anything for you baby." Josh says kissing Niall's temple.

"This is Josh Niall's boyfriend. Warning if their in a room by themselves always knock." Zayn says rolling his eyes. Making Harry,Louis and I burst out laughing. Making  Niall bury his face in Josh's chest.

"Zee get over it and leave my baby alone. It was like a year ago." Josh says hugging Niall close. "Maybe,but I still have dreams about it." Zayn jokes.

"Well thanks Zee. Niall told me I'm gifted in the lower region, but he sorta has to say that. But if your still dreaming about what you saw it must be true."  Josh says with a smile.

"Yeah, Malik he's mine, Sorry,"Niall says laughing. "I don't want him. But how are we splitting  the teams?" Zayn ask rolling his eyes. "Well since me and Louis are the better ones at the game let us be captain. No offense by the way,"Niall says. "That's fine with me, but Nialler offense taken"Harry says rolling his eye.

It's Josh,Niall and Zayn. Against Me, Lou, and Harry. And gosh Louis' got it bad  for one he didn't even pick me first. And two I've known Louis since second grade and he loves footie, he'd do almost anything to make sure he had the best team.

Harry's nice and all but he's clumsy. Which caused us to lose. But when he'd fall Louis was at his side with in seconds making sure he was ok. But I have my eyes on Zayn. But somebody that looks like him would never like me.

"The only reason we lost is you tripped Harry on that last goal,"Louis lies.

"We didn't trip him the big oaf fell over his own feet,"Niall says. "Oh dear gosh Louis I just met you but I can tell your gonna be someone I have to calm down when we watch footie. So in other words shut the fook up both of you!" Josh laughs rolling his eyes.

"It's alright Niall some people just don't appreciate what a beautiful sport it is. Don't cry." Louis joked pulling Niall into a hug. "You all are idiots." Josh says rolling his eyes.

"And this is your boyfriend someone who doesn't appreciate the game? Ya, know I'm available,"Louis jokes with a wink. "Maybe I'll consider you Lou,"Niall says with a wink. "Bull fookin shit!" Josh yells grabbing Niall pulling him into his arms.

"Of course not baby it's only you,"Niall smiles kissing him. "Well do you all wanna go to the diner down the street?" Josh ask pulling away from Niall. "I'll have enough money if Haz and I split something." Zayn laughs making Louis and I look each other.

"Y-yeah that's fine." Harry says putting his head down. "I looked at Louis silently telling him I needed to talk to  him when we get to the diner making him nod.


AN:Please vote and leave some feedback I love to read your comments

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