~*Chapter 2*~

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*Louis POV*
"Hey I'm gonna go to the loo real quick will you order me a coke." I ask them. "Yeah same hear." Liam says.

"I had fun today I don't want them to know we have money. Not because I think they'll use us for it or whatever. It's just when people find out that we have money they always treat us different. They treat us like snobs before they even know us. I just wanna be treated like a regular person." I say as soon as Liam comes through the bathroom door.

"Ok I was hoping we were on the same page,"Liam says.

"I like Harry a lot." I tell him and I instantly feel myself blushing.

"Yeah I could tell.Your not as smooth as you think you are," Liam laughs making me blush. But it's ok I like Zayn. Not that someone that beautiful would ever want this." Liam says motioning at his body.

"Li! Shut up! Your a catch but if we don't go out there their gonna think we fell in." I tell him making him laugh opening the door.

"What's so funny?" Harry ask. "Louis almost fell." Liam says making me go red and glare at him. And attempt to kick him. "Ow!" Harry yelled "Why'd you kick me mate?"

Harry ask rubbing his shin making Liam laugh. "Sorry Harry that was meant for Liam." I tell him "I'm not that hungry. Anybody wanna split something with me?" Liam ask " I would but you and I don't see eye to eye on food." I tell him

"Harry since you were gonna split something with Zayn why don't you and Lou split something , and I'll split something with Zayn." Liam ask giving me a knowing smirk making me roll my eyes. "Yeah that's fine." Harry smiles showing off his dimples.

*Zayn's POV*
"Liam I wish you'd let me pay you back for the food. When I said split I meant the check too. I didn't expect you to buy my food." I tell him

"I know but when I went to pay I wasn't thinking. It's really no big deal." He says

"Liam c-can I have your number?" I ask scratching the back of my neck.

"Why?"he ask confused. "Oh, it's no big deal don't worry about it." I tell him hurt clear in my voice.

"I guess I'll see you around." I tell him turning around but before I can take a step he grabs my wrist, making me turn back toward him.

"Sorry Zayn I'm just not used to cute guys asking for my number. I'm not worth it." He says looking down making my eyes go wide.

"Are you crazy?" I ask him "You're completely worth it. I've had so much fun today. Who told you weren't worth it?" I ask

When he looks at me his eyes are glassed over. "Liam you don't have to tell me if you don't want, but I hope you consider me a friend," I tell him. "My family." He whispers so low I thought heard him wrong I had to right?

"What!? What'd you mean your family? How does your family not see what a great guy you are?" I ask

"Louis and I've always been outsiders in our families. We've just become used to it." He says trying his best not to cry.

"Well Liam I'd love to hang out with you again. And I can see Harry wants to hang out with Louis he looks like the damn heart eyed emoji." I tell him making him laugh. "Josh is having party Friday you all are invited if you wanna come?" He asks. 

"I'll talk to Lou and see what's going on, but we'll stay in  touch. Here put your number in."Liam says giving me his phone to put my number in. I quickly put my number in and send a txt to myself so I'll have his.

"Hey?" I say getting his attention. "Yeah?" He ask looking me in the eyes. "I understand this maybe weird because we just met, but I really like you. And I'd like to get to know you better, but please don't let anyone tell you your not worth it." I say making him nod. "I hope we see you Friday." See ya


AN:Please vote and leave some feedback I love to read your comments


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