~*Chapter 24*~

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*Louis' POV*
"Baby you go pick out a movie and I'll be in there, my phone's ringing,"I tell Harry. "Ok baby, don't be to long,"He says kissing me.

"Hello?" I say answering the phone.

"Hi, Mr. Tomlinson this is detective Corden." He says

"Oh hi how are you?" I ask

"Good but I need you and the rest of the boys to come in tomorrow." He says making me nervous.

"Is something wrong?" I ask walking toward the living room. Making Harry give me a worried look.

"It's really nothing to worry about. I mean it is about your parent's case, but their so much against them theirs no way they'll get off,"he assures me .

"Ok is their a certain time we need be there?"I ask

"As long is it's before one. It'll be fine." He says.

"Ok, well we'll see you tomorrow, and James thanks for all your help." I tell him.

"Mate I have kids and to see how your parents treated you I'm sorry but it made my blood boil. But your welcome,"He says.

"Oh James one thing do we all need to come? Ya know I have my younger siblings and I'd rather not bring them to a police station,"I tell him.

"I understand I think we could get by with just you and Mr. Payne,"He says.

"And if we have to call you James. Then you have to call us Louis and Liam,"I joke.

"Ok, mate,"He laughs. "Bye Louis see you tomorrow. Is that better?" He ask making me laugh.

"Much, see ya tomorrow." I tell him before hanging up.

"What was that?" Harry ask "Li and I have to go to the station tomorrow." I tell him wrapping my arms around his neck. "You ok?" He ask kissing my neck.

"It's weird that my parents are in jail, and I'm the one who put them there. But I wouldn't do anything different. I love you."I tell him connecting our lips .

"Gosh baby you have no idea how much I love you,"He says when we pull apart. "Do you remember that first day when we all played football?" He ask making me nod. "Ok, remember how I was more clumsy than usual?" He ask making me nod again. "Well that was because of you,"He says making me blush. "I was a fooking nervous wreck,"He says rolling his eyes.

*Liam's POV*
When Zayn and I go in the front door it's complete chaos. Josh,Niall,Harry,Louis and all kids are having a pillow fight. Unfortunately I don't really know whats going until I get busted in the head with a pillow.

"Gosh baby are you ok?" Zayn ask checking my face. "Gosh you all, you could be carful,"Zayn says giving me wink. Discretely picking up the pillow. Then he's off like a bat out of hell. "Stay away from my man!" He yells making me smile.

After everything calms down we decide to watch a movie. "Oh Li, James called today we have to go to the station tomorrow,"Louis says making my eyes go wide.

"Is everything ok? Like my baby's still safe, right?" I ask concerned.  "Yes, Li our men are ok. It is to do about our parents case, but I don't think it's anything we have to worry about at least that's what he said. Oh whoever doesn't take us tomorrow can you stay with the kids?" He ask

"Louis, I'll take you and Li. Haz can you stay with the little ones?" Zayn ask "Yeah, I'll have Lottie here to help me,"Harry says. "Well it's settled ya wanna go about eleven?" Louis ask "Yeah that's fine. But I'm gonna go ahead to bed love ya guys,"I tell them.

*Zayn's POV*
"Is he ok?" Josh ask "I don't know I'm gonna go check on him." I tell them as I get up and I go to our room he's bawling his eyes out. "Baby, what wrong?" I ask "I-Im scared."He says hiding his face in his hands. "Baby look at me. What are you scared of?" I ask

"Zayn your the most important person in the world to me. What happens if they try and take you away from me? He ask fear clear in his voice.

"Li, look at me please. Nobody is strong enough to break what we have, and Louis said he only needed to see you two. So baby I think we're good. Please don't cry,"I tell him. "Ok, will you just hold me while I fall asleep?" He ask making me smile. "Anytime baby, let me go brush my teeth. And I'll be right back.
When Louis,Liam And I get to the station the next morning, Li and I are fighting about me going in.

"Zee please promise you'll just wait in the car please,"He says his voice breaking. I can't stand to see him like this, so I give in even though I know I could walk him in,and be perfectly fine.

"Ok, I'll stay out here but if for any reason you need me you call me, promise?" I ask "I promise, I love you baby." He says connecting our lips. "Love you too baby,"I tell him.

*Liam's POV*
By the time Lou and I walk into the station I'm a nervous wreck. "Hi we're here to see detective Corden,"Louis tells the woman at the front desk. "Oh I'll get him can you all go wait for him in that room right there?" She ask pointing at a door. "Yeah, sure. Thank you,"We both say.

"Hey, boys,"James says coming in the room. "Well boys the reason I called you is couple reason. Your parents are trying to fight this. Saying you've been brainwashed,"He says rolling his eyes.

"WHAT NO THEY CAN'T TAKE THEM AWAY FROM US!" I yell "Liam, mate nothing is gonna happen to the boys. Even by a small chance they get off. All you have to do is not press charges. But that's not what's going on in their case their hearing is in two weeks,"He says.

"The other thing is your parent businesses,"He says making Louis and I Look at each other confused. "What your parents did is a felony. And your parents can't run the company with a felony on the record the investigator are gonna pull out. So Liam we talked to your older sisters and they unfortunately are on your parent's side. So they want nothing to do with the company. And Louis your the oldest out of your family so you're the first one we're talking to,"He says.

"Can we have day to think everything over?" I ask "Absolutely, but I do need to know by tomorrow,"He says. "Well boys that's all I needed. Just call me tomorrow and let me know what you've decided,"He says. "Ok, thank you,"We both say.

"Hey Louis what are your thoughts about taking over the company?" I ask him on our way out. "I guess it's still sinking in, I never thought I'd have the chance to take over the business,"He says.

"What'd about you?" He ask "I understand what your saying it's still sinking in with me to, but the more I think about it I think if we did it together we could do it,"I smile. "Yeah, you're right,"He says. "Hey Lou?" I say getting his attention.

"What'd ya think about bringing the lads to work at the company? They all have something to offer,"I say. "Liam your a genius,"He says. "I know but I don't like to brag,"I say making him roll his eyes


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