~*Chapter 26*~

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*Louis'  POV*
" Is detective Corden in ?" I ask when I call the station the next day. "Yes, sir let me transfer you over,"She says. "Thank you,"I say  .

"Detective Corden." He says answering his phone. "Hi James, it's Louis. Liam and I have talked it over and we'll take over the companies." I tell him "Oh good let me call some people and if  you want we can meet at the Payne company and sign the papers and then go on over to your parents office if that's ok.  Do you all  wanna meet in a hour?" He ask

"Sure, we acutely have something to talk to you about concerning this. Ooook." He says before hanging up.

"LIIIAM!! COME HERE!!!!" I holler

"What the fook Lou?" He says busting through the door.  "I needed to talk to you, and I didn't wanna get up yet." I tell him making him roll his eyes.

"Your lazy arse couldn't have txt me?" He ask "I guess I could've but I didn't think of it,"I say. "Ok dumb arse what'd ya want?" He jokes "No Li this is acutely serious,"I say."Gosh what is it?" He ask "No, no it's nothing bad. First if you don't like this idea I'll forget it." I say making him nod.

"Ok we're gonna run the company together right? In other words split it down the middle right?" I ask "Yeah, what are you getting at Lou? Well instead of splitting it in half how would you feel about split it six ways?" I ask but he doesn't answer me he just looks at me.

"Nevermind it was a stupid ide.." I start to say. "Louis I'm not mad I thought of that idea last night, I just didn't think you'd go for it. Like right now I don't know if Im dreaming or not," He says making me laugh. "Li, mate your not dreaming.

But I'm gonna get in the shower and get everyone in the living room tell them we need to talk,"I say getting up from the bed.

"I called detective Corden and we need to meet him in an hour to sign some things, and if it's  gonna split like this then everyone needs to come,"I tell him.

"Ok, get cleaned up. Zayn and I are already cleaned up. And I think Harry took a shower while you where still asleep. As far as Josh and Niall go I don't know. But I'll meet you in the living room,"He says.

"Morning guys,"I say walking into the living room. "You realize it's one in the afternoon right?" Niall ask "Yes, smartarse I do." I say rolling my eyes.

"Ok, what's the meeting for this time babe,"Harry ask. "Well Li and I talked and we don't want you all working for us,"I say. "That's fine we understand,"Josh says sounding disappointed.

"No, that's not what I meant. Liam and I we're gonna split it between us, but we'd rather split it six ways. What'd ya think?" I ask when I look at them their eyes are huge and they keep opening and closing their mouths.

"Li you would want me to be a partner?" Zayn ask "I mean if that's something you want. We could build the company together. But if not I understand." Liam says looking down playing with his fingers.

"Li look at me of course I want to that means I'm on my way to building a future with you,"Zayn says kissing Liam. "Haz?" I ask "I'm in the same boat as Zee. If I get to build it with you then sign me up." He says walking over and wrapping his arms around me.

"Ok, what about you two?" I ask Josh and Niall. "Lou, Li are you sure? I mean like you trust us enough to be business partners?" Josh ask "Ok, now you're bloody doing it weather you want to or not,"Louis says.

"Sorry Lou this is just hard to believe two months ago we didn't know each other. And stuff doesn't tend to work out for any of us. I'm still waiting for the day when this beautiful man wakes up and thinks to himself "gosh I'm a moran I can do better than this." Josh say causing Niall to slap him up side the head.

"Ow, what was that for." Josh ask rubbing his head. "Being an idiot. Baby your perfect,"Niall says.

"Well baby I say let's go for it but we're a team now. So it has to be ok by both of us,"Niall says. "We're in,"Josh smiles.

"One thing Lou you have siblings you to Li do they not want a share?" Josh ask "Well as far as I go my sister's aren't talking to me. They already contacted my sisters and they didn't want any part of it. But if my sisters ever find it in their heart to forgive me and see that it wasn't my fault then I'll sell them a share,"Liam says.

"And as for all my siblings they're all too young but when they get old enough I'll be more than happy to sell them a share,"I say. "But I think the girls are wanting to do something in cosmetics,"I tell them. "Ok, just making sure,"Josh says.

"Ok, well we have to meet detective Corden in thirty minutes to sign papers. So do what you need to get ready,"I tell them.


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