Chapter 35: Nepheli Loux

Start from the beginning

And of course, Master Hewg could not leave Roundtable Hold, prisoner that he was. And so, Nepheli was left at an impasse. And currently, her only solution had been to straddle the line, and keep a foot in both worlds. She would not and could not make her position here in Limgrave permanent until something in Roundtable Hold changed. Instead, she would travel between the Hold and Stormveil Castle. Meanwhile Edgar held down the fort back at the Hold for her and kept her father from getting too big for his britches, and Kenneth in turn held down the fort here in Limgrave, when she couldn't be around.

It was a delicate balancing act, to be sure, but Nepheli knew in her heart of hearts that this was what she had to do. And it was only confirmed, when the familiar face of her lover stepped through the door and into the throne room. She had not invited him here, had not even sent word to let him know what was happening, for she had not wanted to bother him.

And yet... here he was, all the same. A smile steals across her face, as he looks upon her with an approving grin. Of course, before he can step forward to speak with her, Kenneth steps in, the blond blowhard practically running over the Tarnished with his words.

"Aha! Nice to see you after so long! Safe and sound I take it, yes? Good, yes. Well, as you can see, I have indeed petitioned a new ruler for the lands of Limgrave. Lady Nepheli here is strong of character and just of heart. Well worthy of the burden of Limgrave's lineage, I'm sure you agree. Such is the sincere opinion of I, Kenneth Haight, no less!"

The man pauses to take a breath, and Nepheli almost manages to step in, but Kenneth, of course, isn't done just yet.

"For the time being, of course, I share command of the castle with my Lady. But! I plan on returning to my fort afterwards. At which time, I assure you, I will be able to fulfill my old promise and raise you to the glory of knighthood. I hope it is just as wonderful as you imagine it to be. Just be patient a little while longer, alright?"

Hm, she suppose that explained why Kenneth was rushing so damn fast to get the words out. The man always tended to speak like he thought he was going to be slain at any moment and needed to get the last word in before it happened. However, he was especially talkative here and now. Still, it was confirmation that her lover and the Tarnished who Kenneth had gone on and on about helping him were one in the same.

Which meant that all of this was undoubtedly HIS fault. As he smiles at Kenneth, giving him a strong shoulder clap of comradery that very nearly takes the robed man off his feet, and then steps past the blond to move to her, Nepheli can't help but grin.

"I suppose I have you to thank for this then. I remembered the vow I took when I first became a warrior, so many moons ago, thanks to you."

Looking around the throne room, Nepheli lets out an explosive breath, her hands resting easily on the pommels of her axes. Comfortably, even.

"This land is much like the one from which I hail. The Grafted Lord and his monstrous acts blinded me to that fact, at first. But just because Godrick and his soldiers brought nothing but pain and misery, does not mean this land is forsaken, or forgotten."

Straightening her back, Nepheli holds her head high, basking in the approving gaze of her lover.

"I will call upon the storm, to drive away the foulness that has settled on the winds."

His smile turns into a grin, and he nods along with her, clearly quite happy. And she... she's happy too. That doesn't, however, mean that she's just going to let him off the look.

"Some call me by the title of Lady now... but I remain the same woman underneath. Though I have now... abandoned my former guidance, I cannot express how much you've helped me."

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