Chapter 34: Roundtable Respite #3

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To say she feels triumphant and accomplished in this moment would be an understatement. But that triumph fades away, when they finally strip their Tarnished down enough to reveal his body. To reveal his scars. Nepheli's eyes widen along with those of Roderika and Rya, who both gasp and cover their mouths with their hands in shock.

The Tarnished just smiles and shakes his head, waving off their concern. But Rya still has to ask.

"M-my Lord Father did not do that to you, d-did he?"

But the Tarnished just shakes his head again, before running his hands down his scarred torso, revealing that as bad as the burns look, they've apparently already healed over. Its just scarring. There is no pain. Still... Irina has to have it explained to her, what they're seeing. And when she runs her hands over the Tarnished warrior's chest, she lets out a whimpering cry of her own that matches Roderika and Irina.

Only Nepheli remains strong, but even still... even she is mortified, horrified even, by what she sees. He was blemish free until now. Not a single scar, not a single injury. He seemed untouchable. Whatever had done this to him... she's sure it's already dead, but she wishes it were not, so that she could kill it herself.

Sensing their distress, for it is palpable, their Tarnished doesn't hesitate to try and take their minds off of it. And so, things turn to a certain... frivolity as the four of them all bear themselves to their Tarnished for the first time. Nepheli, of course, graciously lets Irina go first.


She wishes, not for the first time, that she could see. But alas, she is blind and all she has is her hands and the words of her sisters to go off of. Yes... she considered the other three women she'd come to know in recent times to be sisters. Would it be perhaps too far to go to call them sister-wives? Ah, but none of them are married just yet, so perhaps it would be...

All the same, as Irina lays back on the bed and her Tarnished slowly but surely pushes in and out of her, Roderika is there by her side, holding onto one of her hands. Irina's other hand is intertwined with one of the Tarnished's own, their fingers locked together as she grips down tightly. Virginal until now, the blind young woman can only cry out, as she's penetrated for the first time.

Still, it does not hurt. Not truly. She's prepared herself for this, both physically and mentally. In truth, the moment she heard that the Tarnished was back at Roundtable Hold and Nepheli was gathering them all up, she'd become aroused. Shameful? Perhaps, but for her Tarnished, she would partake in plenty more shameful actions, if it meant his happiness.

Only... her Tarnished had taken injury. Irina didn't know how to feel about that. She couldn't see it, only feel it... but his flesh had been burnt and baked all across his torso, and even wound up over his shoulder and around his side to the back of his body. It was horrifying, what she'd been able to feel. It did not feel like flesh, but rather the char of overcooked meat.

And yet, he claimed to be fine, and according to her sisters, he was. Certainly, he did not grunt or flinch or twitch in pain when she'd laid her hands on his scarring. So... so it was probably alright then, to lay back and enjoy herself, right? It was probably alright, to take pleasure from this, her first time. As the blind young woman lays back and moans, she squeezes both Roderika and the Tarnished's hands all the harder. Her insides clench down around his mast, as it ravishes her. Tis everything she ever wanted.

She was glad that things had not come to conflict, between her, Nepheli, and Roderika. From what she'd come to understand, Sir Gideon Ofnir the All-Knowing was not as deserving of the respect and honor he was shown as many might initially think. Indeed, she was happy to have bent the ear of her father, to send Edgar to back up Nepheli in her bid to make sure Rya had a place here in the Hold.

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