Chapter 33-Dr. Smith

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I was looking at a screen at my office. I was reviewing people that we had captured and killed while I was working with the children, those horrible children. They had ruined my plans and now a team was in place to bring them to me.

I was just about to finish up on the review when I heard foot steps running down the hallway. Cartridge poked his head into my office. He looked nervous and was wanting to tell me something. I gave him a stare, "What do you want?" I asked coldly.

"Umm," he started wringing his hands, " the team we sent to intercept the plane failed." He said. I groaned and put my hands on my head and ran my hands in my hair.

This was not good, my plans for the kids where not going well. If I had kept them under control the they would have been the best agents in a while. I rubbed my eyes and slowly let out my breath. "Fine, go to plan two, Get the Trio in there. Make sure they take them on in groups like trained, they won't be able to take them together."

Cartridge nodded and ran back down the hallway. If this didn't go as planned my head might be on the chopping block. This was going to be a long night. I might need to get funds together just in case my neck is out there to far.

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