Chapter 10- Hundredth Opening Ball

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Before this chapter starts. I would like to add a trigger warning. This chapter includes scar shaming and sexist assholes!



'Of course, you do. You just had to, didn't you?' A lady with the same-coloured hair as me spoke.

I, a small child, laid down on the floor next to her, head down and slightly bleeding.

'...‒ ‒ ‒' I lowly spoke.

'How could you say hurt my feelings, sweetie.' The women grabbed my hair roughly, dragging me.

A blurry image of what seems to be a mirror and me appeared. Though I wasn't sure what it was, my chest was aching and I wanted to―



I quickly grasp up sweating and panting. My eyes worriedly look around, my heart was beating vastly.

An annoying loud pitch voice had shrieked at my ear, though I was somewhat relieved.

It was a nightmare. That was a part of—

I realized a few maids had gathered near my bed, what the hell? Is the crown prince here for my head already?

"What the fuc‐" before I could complete my sentence, I was pulled by one of the irrelevant maids—How brave of her. If this was the original Illiana, this maid would've lost her job AND get a slap for free!

Before I could say anything, these maids start undressing me! FUCKING UNDRESSING ME!

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" I push away before this shameful act could continue; I think I had made it very clear that I like my personal space!

"M‐my lady! Today is the day of the 100th opening ball! We need to get you ready! It's already really late!" A maid stammers in hurry. Umm, wtf? I think I can change myself and it's fucking 5 AM?? WDYM WE'RE 'ALREADY REALLY LATE'?

"Leave." I order with a glare.


Okay, I admit I might have overreacted a tipsy bit—BUT I WAS HARASSED BY THOSE MAIDS, YOU KNOW!

And, on top of that! I couldn't sleep last night with the fear of Zande coming to frame me for attempted treason that I didn't even do! I even packed a bag just in case he came, so I could run for it! And when I did sleep, I had that nightmare!

Currently, I'm getting dressed up for the 100th opening ball (who named it that, smh?), I don't really want to go...but Derrin said he would be my escort! And I really don't wanna disappoint him‐ Plus, I think an important event is supposed to happen!

Something like Achlyes getting closer to Zande? I don't clearly remember how, but they ended up dancing, I think! So, I'll go just in case a butterfly effect happens, besides—I NEED to see how an ACTUAL BALL looks like!

But I'm mostly going for Derrin, because the possibility to encounter not risk able, so I'll be using magic to conceal myself from him, then go home as soon as possible after looking around.

This is a really trashy plan; Zande will probably find me, because in the novel, Illiana was everywhere Zande was. In the novel, shown from Zande's POV—it was stalk‐ish behaviour! But from Illiana's POV (which was not shown in the novel), it was mere coincidence—not that she wasn't happy for the coincidence (only in the novel, I would rather die than encounter him.)

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