"You never pressed your floor number."

The elevator dings, and I take the initiative move out. "Maybe it's because I live on this floor."

His face flashes with surprise once more. He steps out too. With a suspicious look, he starts walking down the hall. I follow behind him. His long legs overpower my shorter stride, so I can't casually pass him in the hall. He's tense as he moves, like he's expecting me to be a stalker. A giggle slips my lip at his behavior. He abruptly stops and swivels towards me, intending to confront his imaginary admirer. However, I continue my stride. Looking over my shoulder, our eyes meet, and I wink before stopping at my door. Unlocking it, I head inside without a second glance.

I let out a loose laugh when I enter. Brooding Corey was a very interesting character. Walking into the bathroom, I strip down. My gaze settles on my reflection. All of the scars are engrained into my mind. Literally. The curse of photographic memory means that every horrible memory is burned into my mind. I can't forget the words, the pain, the smells of my traumas. I squeeze my eyes shut before opening them again. My reflection shows a sad girl, one that has faced too many hardships. She's hollow.

I break away from the mirror and turn on the shower. I clean myself of the chlorine and get dressed. I cook up breakfast and coffee. I eat and clean up before I leave my apartment. By now, the diner should be open, and I can offer to cook with Uncle. I pause as I approach my vehicles, knowing that I'll need to pick up a lot of security gear, I sadly opt for my car. "Don't worry beauty, I'll take you tonight," I say as I pet the seat.

On my way to the diner, I call Dr. Roberts. "Hey sweetie! How's the apartment?"

"Hey Phil! It's perfect, thank you! It's a nice place."

"Only the best for my Little Bird!"

I giggle. "Thank you Phil. Do you know anyone who can help set up security for the apartment? I can handle the firewalls, but I'd rather have someone else install it. I also need my usual equipment, but don't know where to pick some up."

"I know just the person, do not fret. I'll see if they're available and send their information."

"Thank you! I'll see you later. Love ya!"

"Love you too!"

Our call ends as I pull into the parking lot of Bob's Diner. It's early morning, but the diner is bustling with customers. As I step inside, I take the time to admire the space. It's changed a bit since it first opened. There are some intricate murals on the wall now, and it brightens up the diner. Scenes of customers and families laughing while enjoying their meal look back at me. Separating myself from the enchanting murals, I step up to the register. I would go directly to Uncle's office, but I don't want to barge past the staff. "Hi there Cupcake, what can I do for you today?" the cashier beams at me. I return the smile as I look him over. He's tall and lean, he has chocolate brown eyes that reflect pure mischief. His blond hair falls down to his shoulders; although, it's currently tied back. He smells of vanilla and sugar and looks like he stepped out of a clothing ad. His looks are easily comparable to a model. My God. What is it with all these men looking so good. After gulping in his beaty, I finally respond. "Is Uncle in?"

His eyes are still roaming over me much like mine were, until he processes my question. "Uncle? Yeah, he's in the back. Want me to grab him?" His tone is laced with surprise.

"No, that's okay! I'll swing in the back. I was going to offer my services anyhow."

"Services?" His eyes reflect with humor, "I didn't know Uncle was like that."

My eyes narrow. Did he just call me a prostitute? I decide to leave his question hanging and make my way to Uncle's office. His door is open, but I knock politely. He lifts his head, and his face spreads into a wide grin. "Little Bird!" He exclaims in Portuguese. "What brings you here?"

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