"Lady?" they sneered.

Zeve stood up and looked at her friends. They were both fuming with anger. You could practically see the anger in their eyes.

"Guys leave it" Zeve whispered.

"No Zeve," y/n said sternly, "Legis, Arcano get the fuck away from us."

Arcaon walked up to y/n, "Now now pretty girl, why would we?" he said getting closer to the girl causing y/n to tense up.

"Leave her alone!" Tae yelled as Zeve held her back from tackling, and probably killing, Arcano.

"No" Legis smirked as he walked to the backside of y/n.

Y/n had enough. She punched Arcano in the face, which was too close so it was easy. Then turned and knee'd Legis right in the spot it hurt. Arcano had recovered and punched y/n in her ribs, causing her to yelp. (sorry if this is shit I hate doing fighting scenes cuz I suck at them)

Techno didnt bother to look up when he heard the first yelp. But when screams of anger and even more yelps coming from the north corner he couldnt help to not look.

"Sam, are there usually fights?" the prince asked eyeing the corner.

"Yeah they usually break up pretty quickly though" the warden said.

"Right... is it usually two men and a girl?" Techno asked not recognizing y/n.

Sam snapped his attention to where Techno was staring.

"Bad! Ant! Go break that up quick!" he said worried, the opposite genders rarely got into fights, but when they did it was bad.

Y/n was now hunched over, her hands over her face and trying to not cry. Zeve had tears streaming from her eyes as she held back Tae. Tae was trying not to cry as they were screaming, curses, slurs, and mainly for help. Even if y/n was an amazing fighter Arcano and Legis had been in this prison for a lot longer, and they were a lot stronger. Y/n could've handled one of them, but not both. Now a crowd of other prisoners had gathered. Some whipsering to each other, others cheering.

"Stop it!" a familiar voice called out as he pushed through the crowd.

Soon the punching and some kicking had stopped. Y/n opened her eyes to see the crowd gone, Bad and Ant restraining Arcano and Legis. She put a hand down to the ground before falling. And lastly she saw Technoblade, Sam, Zeve, and Tae rushing over. Tae was the first to bend down to y/n, then Zeve. Sam and Techno just stood looking at y/n.

"Y/n y/n its going to be alright" Zeve muttered as y/n saw the icey tears fall from her eyes.

"Im going to fuck them up for you" Tae giggled but pure hatred was shown in her eyes.

Tae and Zeve both stood up for the prison doctors to come over. They quickly put the hurt girl on a stretcher and pulled her away. Y/n caught a glimps from Technoblade before passing out. She woke up in an unfamiliar room. Its walls were gray and there were shelves all around. Filled with what looked to be potions, bandages, and other medical supplies. Y/n was sitting in an actual bed. Its comforter was soft and the banket and pillow werent worn down. The bed was all white, along with the sheets and blakets. It looked like a normal hospital room. Like the one her mom had spent in for a while. Soon somone walked in, he looked like a doctor.

"Hey Im Dr. Ponk, or just Ponk is fine" he said sitting in the chair to the right of y/n.

"Ok, Ponk, whats my condition?" y/n asked, but it hurt to speak.

The doctor sighed and looked at the girl with sympathy.

"Well a broken wrist which you seemed to have for a while. Some broken ribs. Many brusises and cuts along your uper body. But thats it. No enternal bleeding or anything like that" Ponk said forcing a smile.

"Ok thanks" y/n mumbled and winced at the pain on her sides.

"A few days with constant care and healing potions then you'll be healthy enough to go back out" Ponk said before getting up and walking out of the room.

Y/n groaned, from the pain and the thought of going back into her cell. It was terrible there. And poor Zeve and Tae. They must be freaking out right about now. Y/n scowled as she thought of Legis and Arcano. They had to be reciving some type of punishment. Right? But then again when Legis and her had gotten into a fight the guards did nothing at all. Suddenly the door opened to see Sam.

"You have a visitor, can he come in?" the warden asked beofre y/n nodded.

Sam left and a moment later Technoblade came in, sitting down in the chair. He had a small frown on his face but that didnt stop y/n from glaring at him.

"What?" she sneered even if it hurt.

"I just wanted to visit" the prince mumbled slightly rolling his eyes, "How you doing?"

"They punch like girls" y/n said ignoring the princes question.

That got a small chuckle out of Techno and even made y/n grin a bit.

"Good to hear that, but I better get going" Techno said getting up, what a quick visit that was.

"Wait" y/n said seeing the mans messy, and not well done, braid.

"Hm?" he hummed turning to y/n.

"Can I braid your hair?" she asked.

Even if the girl did hate Techno, she still would be bored and this gave her something to do.

"I dont think thats a good idea" he muttered puzzled.

"Oh come one, you look like a mess" y/n laughed.

Techno just shrugged at moved the chair infront of y/n. The girl carefully leaned up a bit and put the princes braid on her bed. She started taking it out, a small red tye keeping in place. After the braid was out y/n admired Technos hair. It was long a flowy, and now was wavy from the braid. Y/n ran her fingers through the princes hair trying to get some tangles out. After she started with the braid. It didnt take long to finish even if his hair was long. Once it was done y/n put the small red tye back in and flicked the princes braid at him. She stared at her work, it definitely looked better than the braid he had before.

"I hope you know I still hate you, I was just bored" y/n said as the prince stood up.

"Oh I know, I could tell by the way you were pulling my hair" Techno chuckled before exiting her room.

Y/n had a small grin on her face. She knew she was pulling his hair. It was kind of pay back for him breaking the girls wrist. Soon Ponk came back in telling y/n to get rest. She listen of course because she was worn out. But even with the soft blakets the girl was still pretty cold.


Wow chapter tweleve done already. I know your probably all mad at Zeve for holding Tae back but *spoiler-ish* you'll find out why she did in the next chapter. Its a semi cute chapter. Running out of pre-written chapters so soon it'll be updates for when I get the time to write. I was also gone for a week without any devices so there wasn't any updates then sorry! Im listening to Wilbur Soot rn so life is good. Welp thats it love you all! Wait one last thing below...

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