He was caught off guard when he found another boy in the aisle searching the rows, he was familiar. His body and his style were too familiar, without a doubt he knew who it was, Jimin. He stepped closer and reached for what Jimin was also reaching for, and once their hands touched they both looked at each other.

Different expressions and emotions were felt from the two, but one thing for sure feelings never left. Jimin cleared his throat, he bowed his head and grabbed the candy bag went to a different aisle leaving taehyung to feel insecure. So, he grabbed Sana's favorites and waited for Jimin to walk up to the register and once he did, he followed.

"It'll be together." He told the cashier who simply nodded and started to scan each item. Jimin shook his head, "no, it won't. Separate." He told and again, the cashier nodded. Taehyung scoffed and gave a demanding glare to the cashier who nodded again, he were getting irritated by their behavior.

Jimin rolled his eyes and backed away letting Taehyung do as he pleased. He was just not in the mood to be messing with him, too tired and too drained. He waited and waited until everything was payed and a bag being brought into his hands, "thanks." He mumbled and walked off.

Taehyung didn't want him to leave yet, he wanted him to stay. Talk or fight, he didn't care. "Jimin-" Jimin sighed and turned around to face Taehyung. They were now outside the store, "let's hang out, like we used to." He unconsciously smiled.

Jimin blinked at his words, "you want to hang out? After everything? Taehyung, you have a fucking girlfriend. I was a second choice, someone you had your fun with because it was convenient for you." Jimin didn't even raise his voice, his eyes didn't water, his body didn't react as much, he was too done to be dealing with Taehyung mess.

Taehyung took in every single word Jimin shot at him, noticing how broken he became in a matter of a month, it pained him to see him in this nature. The upset feeling kept blooming when Jimin got upset of his lack of communication.

"That's what I thought." And to that, Jimin disappeared. Taehyung deflated, he slowly walked back to Sana's house while he was thinking about what Jimin said.

"You took forever." Taehyung didn't say anything, he dropped the bag on the bed, he took his shoes off and crawled underneath the sheets to Sana side. "Do you want to talk about it?" Her hands traveled around his body, rubbing in slow motion making Taehyung ease in comfort.

He nuzzled onto her nape and hummed a soft whine, "Jimin and I aren't talking anymore." He muffled his sentences, unknowing of how Sana would react. He placed his hand on her shoulder and sighed which made Sana gasp because of how ticklish it felt on her skin.

He grinned and started to lay kisses on her neck, Sana moved her head to the opposite side so he could get more space. "I can form something." Taehyung raised an eyebrow, his tongue began to make appearances feeling the squirming of hers did something to him.

"And how do you plan on doing that?" He said in between his kisses, slowly he began to get up and hover over her body. He examined her pink tinted cheeks, the sparkling eyes flickering, and the way she breathed heavily. He smiled and lowered himself over her, pecking her lips before diving in for longer time.

"Mm, new chapstick?" He said and laid himself on her stomach area. Sana rolled her eyes and moved her hands on his hair and played with his hair, "yeah, since you stole my last one." She said, annoyed. Taehyung looked up and smiled, "I liked it." He reasoned. Sana scoffed and pulled his hair, gently.

Taehyung groaned and moved his own hands around her wrists, "that hurt." He mumbled as he smoothly connected their hands. Sana laughed and nodded, "sorry, big baby, it was an accident." She said as she freed one of her hands and placed it back on Taehyung's scalp.

Taehyung closed his eyes and hummed at the feeling of a head massage. "Thank you, babe." He whispered. After minutes, Taehyung went back up and pulled Sana into his embrace.

Sana snuggled up to his chest and sighed in
comfort. "I'll arrange something, don't worry." Sana mumbled. Taehyung hummed and held her body firmly yet in a gentle manner.

~Jimin's world~

He drove to the park and sat on a nearby bench. He sighed softly as he stared off to the view far way, then slowly turned to his bags of candy. He picked his his favorites and began to eat while he stayed motionless.

His mind proceeded to wrap itself up in what happened within a month. So escalating, a carnival with kisses into being left for a relationship the next day, his best friend acting coldly and difficult, and Jungkook expressing his feelings towards him.

He slugged down in his seat and frown, he hated his feelings. He hated the way his feelings continued to like the boy who broke his heart instead the boy who cared and was present during his sadness. He wished that he could be fond of Jungkook, so much as he wanted to, he couldn't.

He shook his head to gain his conscious, he released a heavy sigh and stood up. He took his belongings and walked back to his car. He settled and began the drive back to his home. "Hey, I brought more than I needed to, do you guys want some?" Jimin said as he walked through the door and into the living where his parents sat down watching a movie.

After he shared with his parents, he went to the kitchen. Although he still had trouble eating, he made sure to eat at least one meal per day. So, he served himself a plate and started to eat. It was a slow process, lots of gagging, lots of rethinking, and disgusted faces. But, he got through it and as a reward a pop a candy into his mouth. A hum to the sweet candy while he walked to his bedroom.

To resolve his sadness, he went ahead and cleaned up a bit. Picking up, folding clothing and making his bed. He even cleaned his desk and noticed all the hung up pictures of Taehyung over the years. Jimin smiled and picked one photo up, he scanned through the photo and smiled softly, remembering the significants behind it. He snickered and placed it back in it's place.

A rush suddenly happened, it went through his head and down to his heart. He palmed his chest area, frowning at the pain that muscled in his flesh. "Happiness?" He whispered.

He couldn't believe it, happiness.

Could his grieving be over? Why so suddenly? What did this mean?

He closed his eyes, inhaling and exhaling trying to progress what he just felt. This was the last step of grieving, acceptance. Sure, he still had a few emotions but he knows he will be okay.

"You deserve a reward." He smiled to himself, patting his shoulder to congratulate himself. He moved over to bed where the bags of candies sat, he picked a new one and took one into his mouth. He wiggled his body in happiness. As his mouth chewed on the candy, he stared at the packaging.

He remembered the day when Taehyung brought him many snacks as an apology. "Sweets are rewards." He continued on with the memory. He let a weak smile on his face, sighing and taking another bite of the sweets.

Nonetheless, he went on with his evening. Taking a long warm shower, doing his skincare and self care before sitting in the middle of his bed and pulling his phone out to watch videos while he ate the sweets.

Author's note
So, Jimin is happy..? What will happen now because he's slowly starting to move on/accept the whole situation?

Have a good day or night!


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