Chapter 13

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"Taehyungie, wake up." Sana sat up and smiled at the boy who was sleeping with a pillow in his arms. She smiled and leaned in to peck Taehyung's cheek, "come on, we have lots to do." She continued. Taehyung hummed softly and rubbed his eyes while he felt Sana's body leave the bed.

He softly sighed and closed his eyes again, not to sleep but to think. "Don't fall asleep." Sana warned from the bathroom. Taehyung responded with a groan, he sat up and combed his hair back. He sipped his water he got from last night while he looked at Sana, "what do you think?" Taehyung scanned her image and nodded making her roll her eyes.

"You're so pretty." He tried to fix. Sana scoffed and returned back to find a new outfit while Taehyung sat in bed. "Yeah, I like that one." He smiled. Sana twirled and nodded then walked away and soon that smile faded. Sure, Taehyung liked Sana but something was missing. Of course he enjoyed his time spent with the lovely girl but he was always so tired afterwards.

"Get charged we'll be leaving soon." She came back and sat on the bed, she smiled as she scooted closer to the boy who eyed her down. She slowly began to lay her hand on his cheek, then slowly she closed the gap.

They kissed in a slow tempo they were good at, just simple kissing. "Stop. Stop." Taehyung removed Sana's palms from his shirt, he wiped his lips and left to the bathroom leaving the girl surprised. Taehyung locked the door and sighed heavily, he closed his eyes for a spilt second before rushing out.

"Shit, I forgot I had a family event today!" He scrambled to find his belongings while Sana watched in confusion. "I have to go, I'll see you on Monday." He pecked her head and ran out the house, after minutes of running, he slowed down and caught his breath.

Then, he began to walk as if nothing happened, hands in pockets and head up high. He didn't have a family event, he simply didn't feel like putting up with Sana today. So, letting his feet guide him, he knocked on the Park's family door. "Miss Park, you're looking lovely!" He did a French greeting, the mother said and let the boy into the home.

"Jimin is still sleep, he hasn't been feeling the best." Taehyung slowly nodded, he ended the conversation and climbed up the stairs to Jimin's bedroom. He knocked on the door but heard no response, so he opened the door and without a doubt, Jimin was in fact sleeping.

He slipped inside and closed the door, awakening Jimin up in the process. "Look, I'm tired and I'm really sleepy. Let me sleep." Jimin said, not spearing the boy anymore contact and laid on the opposite side. Taehyung didn't say anything and just sat where Jimin had all his video games.

"Summers in a month, are you excited?" He tried to start a conversation, but Jimin wasn't lying when he said he was sleepy. A fond smile was brought to his face when he seen Jimin's unguarded self. He adored the boy for a little longer before turning his attention to the game. After half an hour, Jimin sat up and watched Taehyung's consecrated image, he raised an eyebrow but said nothing and just sneaked over to the seat next to him.

"Where's the other controller?" He mumbled and watched as Taehyung reached out for the controller and hand it to him, without glancing once at him. Jimin didn't mind it at all, he connected the controller and played along side with Taehyung. Although he was heartbroken by him, he was still Jimin's best friend and nothing would ever change that status.

"Let's play another round, but I have to go to the bathroom so don't start it with me." Taehyung grinned, he watched Jimin return the expression and walk off. He laid back and sighed. This is how he wanted to feel, he wanted to be friends with the person he's dating. He doesn't just want to be in a relationship just to be in one, he wanted to have days where they would sit down and play video games together in silents. He never always wants to be out the house and spending money.

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