Chapter 6

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Monday rolled around. "Mm, Sana, I think my favorite color is pink now." Taehyung sighted his eyes all over the feminine body and nodded agreeing to his words. Sana giggled softly, "it's my favorite color too." The cutely voice lingered Taehyung's ears, he wanted to hear more of it.

So, he nodded, "pink is a very delicate color. It could mean various of things like sweet, charming, and tenderness but there's another side to the color pink, romance and I can feel the romance around here, can you?" Taehyung glared over her then dreamily smirked. He leaned on the locker making the girl forward her body just a little to keep the closeness.

"I felt it since the moment I seen you." She shyly confessed. Taehyung noticed the tinted color on her cheeks she tried to hide, it was a nice thing to see on her. "Me too." He added on. Sana giggled and glanced at him once more before leaving.

"That was actually smooth." Jimin elbowed Taehyung's shoulder. Although it hurt him to say, it was true. The way the two worked together amazed Jimin, straightforward and shyness always mixed together well.

Taehyung grinned softly, "I know." He said and trailed back into the classroom, "the next time I have to hold you guys out of class, it will be write up." The teacher said once she saw them returning to their seats.

"Teach, there are problems. Serious problems, you know, I'm sure you dealt with them yourself when you were younger so please understand." He lied but the way the teacher narrowed her eyes but nodded made him know she fall for it. Jimin and Taehyung shared a fist bump and started to pay attention to the lecture.

~lunch time~

"Ladies-" Taehyung started with his usual conversation with the lunch ladies but he was rudely interrupted. "Boy, if you don't just walk and keep it moving like the others." One woman said.

Taehyung gasped and turned to Jimin, "so, they speak?" He teased and went back to picking his food. The ladies rolled their eyes or sighed heavily before helping the other students with their lunches.

Taehyung and Jimin thanked them for their work and walked off to their table. Ten minutes into their conversation, a girl walked over and sit nearest to Taehyung.

"Oh, Sana, have you eaten?" Taehyung pushed his tray away and gave his undivided attention to the female. "Yeah, I ate. Seems like you have too." She twirled her hair and gave a cute smile that made Taehyung automatically smile. Jimin chewed his food while trying not to make it obvious he was eavesdropping.

"I'll see you later, tae." Sana smiled up at Jimin but was a little intimidated by the way Jimin glared at her in a not so friendly way. "Alright, see ya." Taehyung said back and went back to the conversation with Sana.

Jimin wiped his mouth and threw away his tray, he stomped off to find something better to do. He walked and walked through the halls watching groups of people interact with each other so greatly it made him feel insecure.

Nonetheless, he sat on the floor of one hall because he was too tired to keep walking and too scared to go back to the lunch room. So, there he sat, alone and on his phone, occasionally looking up at the people who passed him.

"Jimin. What are you doing?" A voice called. Jimin looked up and narrowed his eyes, "gosh, Jungkook, what does it look like I'm doing. Go away if you're going to be mean." He waved his hand, shooing the boy, but he didn't move, instead he sat down next to Jimin.

Jimin rubbed his temples and went back to his screen, not minding the boy who sat down next to him doing the same thing as him. The bell rang. "I enjoyed your company." Jungkook silently said and walked off, too quick for Jimin to say anything. Jimin groaned softly and walked to his class, alone.

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