Chapter 4

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Jimin woke up first. He felt trapped under Taehyung's clenched body around his own. He poked his cheek, "Taehyung, wake up." Taehyung groaned lowly and shook his head, "it's Friday. We'll make it through it." Taehyung groaned again, but he retreated his arms.

He heard Jimin's figure crawl out of bed and turn the nights on, "goddamn it, Jimin, turn it off." He sat up with an upset face. Jimin didn't listen and picked out an outfit, he decided to change in front of Taehyung. It wasn't the first time so it was okay.

"What a fine ass body you have." Jimin turned to where he heard the seductive voice but no eyes were on him and his body, nope, the eye were fixed on the side of his closet where Taehyung's clothing was racked up. Jimin rolled his eyes and kept changing. When he heard the wobbles on the wooden floor, he knew Jimin went away into the bathroom.

So it was his turn to change. Once they finished their morning routines, they went down and left to go to school. "I hate this hell hole." Taehyung mumbled as he watched the students walking inside, his eyes were particularly on the ones that held hands with their significant other. He wondered if he could do that too with his own.

"Me too." Jimin added on. He parked in his usual spot and stopped the car, the friends gave each other a smile before both stepped out the car. They walked into class earlier than what they anticipated with only the teacher and a few students.

They sat down and started to speak until the teacher came up to them, "you guys missed a lot yesterday, what's your excuse?" She handed the worksheets from yesterday and crossed her arms, waiting.

Taehyung scratched his head, "well, you know at this age hormonal changes start to happen, you know, teach. So, Jimin was kind enough to help me with down there." He looked down to his private area then back up at the teacher who had a red face. "I understand." She said and hurried off back to her desk. "You could have told her I was sick." Taehyung was slapped on the shoulder, "what's the fun in that?" Jimin rolled his eyes before he laughed. Taehyung winked over at him and started to laugh with his best friend.

Jimin started on filling the work in from the other day to catch up and Taehyung just watched funny videos on his phone, waiting for the answers.

"Kim, phone away." The teacher said. It was time for actual class. Taehyung nodded and put it away and turned to Jimin who was concentrated on his work. He let a smile appear on his lips and felt his eyes shine upon the bright aura.

"Why do you always stare at me? I'm the prettiest most handsomest boy you've seen before?" Jimin sarcastically told, expressing his tiredness by his eye rolls and hand gestures. "Yes." Taehyung whispered. His mouth opened slightly at the sight of Jimin's face tinting in pink.

"Park, Kim. What is the distraction?" The boys snapped to the front of the room, "teach, I think I need to go outside. For the stuff we spoke about moments ago, and I need Jimin." The teacher nodded and the boys leave the room.

Once they were outside Jimin started to complain, "we can't keep getting pulled out of class!" Taehyung ignored him and waited for the usual.

"Sana. Is that a new dress? It looks good on you." He stepped forward with a slight grin on his face. Sana blushed and looked down to her dress, "yeah I brought it yesterday." She shyly told. Taehyung hummed, "pink looks well on you." He caressed the strain of her long hair, "it's pretty." He whispered. Sana gasped softly and looked up, she smiled softly and nodded. "Thank you. I'll keep that in mind." She said and walked off.

"Just ask her out!" Jimin scratched his head, frustrated. He didn't know why it made him feel upset but it did. Taehyung walked back to his spot next to Jimin and shrugged, "she's pretty and all but I don't know if it'll work." Jimin huffed.

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