Envy ate away at the blonde Slytherin as he averted his gaze from the other boys looking at her, now focusing solely on Emerald as she exchanged a nervous smile with her brother, the music beginning to play to signify the commencement of the Champions' First Dance.

The steps were simple, as Severus Snape had reminded the young, Potter girl. However, the man in question, himself, was nowhere to be found in the ballroom; Emerald's eyes searching through the crowd of watching eyes for those familiar ebony ones. But to no avail, the girl was certain he was not in the room to see how she looked in the ballgown he had bought for her; the only opinion she found herself truly caring about.

A sudden wince emitted from Harry, Emerald averting her confused eyes onto her sibling's as she apologised profusely for stepping on his toe amidst her momentary distraction. Nobody had hardly noticed, however, as their thoughts seeped through her mind. The music came to its chorus, the rest of the students and teachers joining Dumbledore and McGonagall, in tow, as they began to prance about the dance floor. Less eyes were on the Potter siblings now, therefore Emerald knew she could sneak away to the dungeons without anyone noticing.

"Go on."

Emerald pried her gaze from the exit to the Great Hall, furrowing her eyebrows as Harry stood before her, motioning towards the same exit. "What are you t-"

"I know how close you and Professor Snape are, Em. He'd want to see you like this, I'm sure." Although Severus and Harry had never gotten on in the past, it appeared the Potion's Master had been kinder to him than before his sister came to Hogwarts. Plus, he knew how much the two meant to one another; an unspoken bond that he could never place his finger on, but knew he owed to their mother and sister's shared resemblance.

All Emerald Potter found herself able to muster amidst the slowly forming lump in her throat was, "Thank you, Harry." And with a smile that made her cheeks hurt in anticipation, she quietly left the Great Hall as the crowd was distracted by the announcement of a famous band being in attendance that evening; The Weird Sisters.

So soon into the evening, Emerald's feet were hurting with the presence of those tiny heels. But she knew the dungeon floors were far too cold for her to walk to Severus Snape's classroom barefoot. So, she persevered, thankful her trip wouldn't take too long...

Emerald's P.O.V

My heart pounded with each step leading me to the classroom door. How many times I had done this exact motion, but never had they made me feel as nervous as I felt in that very moment. A lilac, silvery shawl I had brought for the cold draped around my shoulders, but my Goosebumps did not subside, the shawl falling to my arm as I reached to knock on the classroom door, thrice.


The goosebumps suddenly subsided as I found myself overwhelmed with an inexplicable wave of calmness. And as I had hundreds of times before, I stepped inside. However, when I expected to find my Potion's Professor at his desk; he was, instead, stood a few feet from the door, waiting to greet me.

I could sense his breathing hitch as his dark eyes scanned my appearance; a sadness in them I hadn't seen before. Or perhaps I had. Only being able to compare it to the day I first met Severus at the Orphanage. As though he was greeting an old friend. A ghost.

His silence made the room turn suddenly eerie, not a singular thought emitting from his mind to give me even an inkling as to how he was feeling. I decided to observe him too, noting his usual, black dress cloak was gone. But the clothes he wore still matched his usual, all-over, ebony look. He was simply Severus, as he always should be.

"Beautiful, Miss Potter." His words cut through the silence like glass, jolting my attention from his attire to his obsidian orbs, once more. An irrevocable grin spread across my cheeks as I took the tulle material belonging to my skirt in hand, looking down at my dress, "You think?"

Severus gave me a side-ways glance, as though it were obvious, "Can you not tell?"

Shaking my head, I took a step closer to him, "Not so much, anymore. Your thoughts are impossible to read, at the moment." I sighed.

Severus' eyebrows furrowed in momentary confusion, "Really?" I nodded, resulting in a scoff to emit from him, "That's strange, I have not been remotely trying to conceal them."

My lips pursed in contemplation at this. Why would I suddenly struggle to hear Severus' thoughts? I didn't seem to be having trouble with anyone else's.

"Shall we go for a walk? I hear it's snowing." I smirked at my teacher, another scoff emitting from him at my statement. He extended his arm for me to take, which I did without hesitance.

"Miss Potter, it always snows at Hogwarts at Christmas." His voice droned on as though he had said the words a million times before. Chuckling, we made our way towards the school courtyard. In doing so, however, we found none other than Igor Karkaroff waiting, almost expectantly, for the man stood next to me. It was no new knowledge that the Headmaster of Durmstrang was once a Deatheater, but I knew it was his look of expectancy for Severus to engage in conversation with him rather than the cold weather, that allowed a sudden surge of ice to traverse down my spine.

The Potion's Master's expression suddenly turned cold as his gaze narrowed onto Igor, his arm suddenly releasing my own. "Wait here. And do not, under any circumstances, try to read his thoughts." Severus' voice turned threatening and I knew I would need to abide by his wishes; the thought of what might lurk in Karkaroff's mind frightening me. "Okay." I nodded, watching as he crossed the courtyard.

Whatever Karkaroff was saying to Severus was agitating him, as the man in black began opening compartment doors; one boy one evicting coupling students inside. How embarrassing. I could only make out words here and there from Severus and Igor's exchange, most of which was emitting from the Headmaster of Durmstrang, himself. He was angry. No, scared of something. Or someone, I could easily presume to me Voldemort.

I watched as Karkaroff lurched forth in attempt to grasp Severus' left arm, but the Potion's Professor was too quick, pulling it out of his reach and backing into one of the empty carriages. "You don't fool me, Severus! You are scared, admit it!" And, true to Igor's words, a flicker of fear did brew in Snape's eyes, just as they had the day he told me Voldemort may be returning. The Durmstrang Headmaster's Dark Mark must have been returning, also. Stronger than before. They were both afraid, that I was certain of.

Severus' final words I could not muster as he turned to the last carriage and waved his wand, opening the doors as gasps emitted from inside. But in doing so, Severus' eyes widened in disbelief, his mouth parting as he eyed whomever students were inside. A look I could only determine as regret and sorrow emitted from him as his gaze flitted from the carriage, to me, then back to the carriage. My stomach sunk. I knew something was horribly wrong.

My legs took hold as I found myself walking towards the carriage, like a magnet pulling me closer. Unyielding and growing stronger with each step. I already knew what I would find. But something in my heart needed confirmation as I grasped the blackened door and looked inside, the terror-filled, blue eyes of Draco Malfoy turning regretful as they met my own. And Pansy bloody Parkinson, unwavering to the shock of being caught by her Head of House...

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