After the bell rang, Taehyung rushed to the one person he has by his side, Sana. He pushed and shoved the people in front of him, of course apologizing, and once he was in front of Sana's classroom, he waited.

His boxy smile displayed when he seen her wobbling to give him a hug, "I missed you." Sana whispered softly, hiding her face when Taehyung leaned for a kiss. Taehyung chuckled at her slight teasing and began to walk her to her next class. "It's been literally an hour." He told, musing his eyes when he seen Jimin smiling with Jungkook.

His whole mood changed, he blinked irritatedly and kept an eye on them as he continue to walk with Sana. "You're not listening." Taehyung was smacked lightly on the shoulder, he regained his focus and smiled.

He rolled his eyes playfully and placed his hand around her lower back, "I was." He told. Sana scrunched her nose and kept walking, they silently walked to Sana's classroom. "Meet me at the lunch room after this class." He kissed her forehead and left to his own classroom. He went to his assigned seat and laid back and crossed his arms, not spearing Jimin any more contact that he was getting.

Jimin didn't seem to care, but deep down, he wanted to talk to him, more than anything. The teacher went on with their lecture and the boys ignored each other. All until Taehyung noticed Jimin take his phone out type a message out, then a giggle was heard and hand was up in the air. "Sir, can I go to the bathroom?" He called out and once he got a confirmation, he stood up and left the room.

He raised an eyebrow, his mind pondered on Jimin and his messages. "I need to go to the bathroom." He said and walked out, he heard the teacher's shouts but Jimin was more important. He left the room and looked both side, thinking where would Jimin go.

He got a feeling he went to the right, so he walked to the left. He walked and walked, looked every corner of the hallways. He perked when he heard Jimin's voice, shy and feminine, was heard. He walked closer to the corner he heard and snarled loudly, but it didn't amuse the two boys.

"He shouldn't concern you anymore." Jungkook turned and stood in front of Jimin, returning the dark glare. Taehyung clenched his jaw and looked over to Jimin who lowered himself to be cover up in Jungkook's height.

"Leave." He snapped his eyes back to Jungkook. Jimin could feel the dominant tension in the air, the furious and dark auras the two contained. He didn't like it, he felt his stomach swell in fear, his heart began to beat harder and faster in his chest, his eyes were closed with his hands clinging onto Jungkook's shirt.

"The teacher wants you back inside the room." Taehyung said in defeat. He blinked away his heavy eyes and backed away to show Jungkook he gave up.

Jungkook looked him up and down before turning back to Jimin, "hi." He poked Jimin's cheek, smiling softly while he watched Jimin open his eyes and smiled back, "hey." He said. "Thanks, kook." He looked down and seen his hands were still on Jungkook's shirt, he got embarrassed and removed them only for Jungkook grasp onto them that earn them a growl for Taehyung.

"I'll see you later, okay?" Jungkook said, eyeing Jimin nodded and lower his glaze again. "I have to go back now." Jungkook let go of his hands and backed away, "bye." He said and walked off to his own classroom.

Jimin sighed and walked off knowing Taehyung would follow behind. "What was that? Are you guys dating? Since when?" Taehyung caught up, quite defensive about the topic. Jimin said nothing and kept walking.

"So, you can't speak now? Are you deaf or are you just stupid?" He snickered sarcastically, he didn't mean it at all. He wanted a reaction from the boy, he wanted anything he could get from him. "What him and I have shouldn't interfere with you." Jimin mumbled.

Friendship into RelationshipOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora