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I groaned and slowly open my eyes. I closed them back again when I was greeted with a bright light. I then felt a hand on my head.
I opened my eyes again and was greeted with Johnny Hyung's worried face.

" Hey bud, glad your awake. Are you alright now ? " He asked. " My head stills throb in pain, hyung but I'm alright now. What happen ? " I asked as I slowly sat up, He immediately help me as I leaned my back at the headrest.

" Doyoung said you passed out screaming yesterday. " He replied as he poured me a glass of water, he then handed it to me and I mumbled a thanks and drink the water.

" Where are they ? " I asked and handed him the glass, Johnny hyung then put it back in the table.

" They went out for a bit, but they'll be back soon. " He replied. Just then the door to my room opened and Taeil hyung entered bringing a tray of fruits and juice. He smiled when he sees me awake.

" I'm glad your awake now, Jaemin. Doyoung was worried with you, his currently outside with Jaehyun comforting him. " He said and put the tray infront of me.

" You need to eat this. " He said and I mumbled a thanks as I started to eat. I remembered what Doyoung hyung said last night that, Johnny hyung was a vampire and Taeil hyung was a human.

" Taeil hyung ? " I called. He hummed as he wipes the excessive juice on my lips. " How did you met Johnny hyung ? " I asked curiously, I watched the both of looked at each other and Taeil gave me a smile.

" Hmmm. Believe it or not we met at the bridge where I was about to jump. "  He said and laughed, Johnny hyung grabbed his hand. " Actually, at that time, my parents just died on a car accident, there were chased by the cops and no family members of mine wanted to take me in their care because my parents were doing drug related work. "

My eyes widened what he said. He gave me a smile and continued. " So as I said, I was about the jump off the bridge to end my life but then he came with blood on his lips and clothes. " He said amusingly. I looked at Johnny hyung in confirmation. He nodded his head.

" I was just nearby when I smell his scent. I used my vampire speed and saw him standing at the edge gripping the railings at his back tightly. He freaked out and almost fell down but I'm glad I catched him on time. " Johnny said as he recalled their first meeting.

" So you know already that he was a vampire ? " I asked. Taeil nodded his head. " He saved me that night with those blood on his lips and clothes. I thought he was a killer but turns out a vampire. "

" And when were now off from the bridge, he said that he was a vampire, I was shocked and scared at first but I eventually trusted him. " Taeil hyung said and I nodded my head while I was now playing with the food.

" Did you ever lost control Johnny hyung ? " I asked again. " A lot of times. It's hard to control around him when his a human and I'm a vampire who needs blood to survive. "

" How did you managed him Taeil hyung ? " I asked as I was really curious how he fully accepted Johnny hyung.

" Hmm... I guess acceptance. Well that's what really it is right ? Accept who they truly are. And also getting to know them fully and submit to him. " Taeil hyung said.

" Submit to him ? " I asked. Taeil hyung nodded his head. " Yes, I'm actually planning on him marking me so we could be together. It may be painful but at least I have them there to guide me in everything and Jaemin, follow what your heart says. I know you remember him already. "  He said and looked at Taeil Hyung when he mentioned him.

" He misses you already Jaemin and he blames himself for leaving you there at the snow unconscious as he saves his brother's and friends from danger. " Johnny hyung said and tears then started to pour out from eyes when I remembered that night.

" Were not meant to be together, Jaemin. I'm sorry... "

" I'm letting you go....... You aren't safe with me, Jaemin. You'll only get yourself killed when your with me and it hurts me to see you in pain because of me.... "

I shook my head as I replied to him " No... No... Please.. Minhyung. Don't do this, please. I love you too...  " 

" Why is our love story so complicated ?  " I said and as I wiped the tears on my face, Taeil and Johnny hyung patted my back in comfort.

" That's how life is Jaemin, we get to experience how good and complicated life and love is. "  Taeil hyung said.


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And here i am again. I actually have no idea where the plot is going already hahaha

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