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My eyes widened when he said those words.
' he needs me ? For what ? '

" W-what d-did you j-just say ? " I stutter. He touches my cheek softly and gently. I nearly jumped at his cold hands as it sent chills up and down my spine

" I need you, a distraction. " He breathless. Before I could analyze his words, he crashes his lips into mine. I then started to kiss him back for no reason. I should be pulling away but my arms won't let me. Instead it wrap themselves around his neck.

He begins to kiss me harder and harder and I need air! I found his hair and tug at them to lift his head away. As we broke away from the kiss, I breathe for air.

He looks at me with those pleading eyes of his and it's hard to pass that temptation of his. I just stare at his pink plump swollen lips. I then left my index finger and slowly trace it on his lips and to his cheeks.

" Why did you save me that night, Minhyung ? " I whispered. He sighs.

" B-because.... I... I like you. " My eyes widened at his confession. " Y-you like me at first sight ? Just like that ? You just met even met with me at the bar and boom you like me ? That fast ?  "

" Yeah, sort of like that..  I guess. "

" I don't believe you. " I whispered. " Oh you should believe me, Jaemin. I am telling the truth, I save you that night instead of leaving you there behind.  I know I'm a vampire and you're a human. The both of us shouldn't have crossed paths but it happen. " He sighs and stood up. " Just give me chance.... " He says and left the room.

I was left on the bed thinking what did he just said. ' does he really like me ? '  I thought. I sighed.

" Should I give just him a chance ? But what happens if he'll only hurt me ? Will I die ? " I stare at the red strings on my wrist. " Why didn't this stop him when he pinned me on the bed ? Is this broken ? " I touch the string, it doesn't feel like a string at all. It's soft and silk like. The string must have been magical.

I lay back down on the bed and tried to sleep sleep but I woke up when I felt, It's kinda hot so I didn't bother to cover the sheets on me.

After a few hours, I feel sweaty. " Its so hot! " I toss and turn hoping to go back to a nice slumber. I gasped when I felt cold arms wrap around my waist.

" Is it still hot ? " Minhyung whispered. I nod and wrap my arms on his neck. He tightens his hold on my waist. His so cold, but it's just right to make the heat disappear. I bury my face on his chest and slept with his cold fingers rubbing my back.

When morning came, I was too comfortable in my position. I blushed at the thought of Minhyung being here with me all night. I slowly opened my eyes to see him staring at me.

" Morning, mi amor. " I blushed at the endearment and shyly smiled. " Morning Minhyung. " he grins. " Did you sleep well ? " I nod.

" Thanks. " He smiled and sat up. " Well, I should prepare your breakfast. " He says and went out of the room.

I sigh as I leaned my body at the headboard. I can't stay here much longer, I need to leave. Now. I am living with a vampire,  I don't trust him. I remove the red string off my wrist and put it on the table.

I slowly got up and comb my bed hair. I then put a slippers and went downstairs. ' Where is he ? Maybe it's a good time to escape. '

Slowly, I tiptoed towards the door when I hear a loud growl coming from the kitchen ?  ' What's going on in there ? '  I bravely went towards the kitchen where the sound was. I gasp when I saw Minhyung crouching on the floor, he then turns to look at me. His eyes were now the most reddest thing, I've ever seen from him.

He instantly stood up as quick as a lightning, I groaned when my back hit the small table as he pinned me there.

" Minhyung! " I cried.

' What the hell is wrong with him ? '

He sniffs my neck and I let out a shaky breathe. Damn myself for taking that string bracelet off.  " Your blood smell so good, and it's scent is making me crazy on you, maybe getting a taste is good, too. "

' What ?! No! No this isn't happening! '

" It's a good thing you took that bloody string off. How stupid of you to take the string off Jaemin ? I can't wait to taste your blood. It bloody smells amazing.  "

" Minhyung, please don't ! " I pleaded as I closed my eyes. ' I am so dead, damn myself for removing it!  He surely is going to dip his fangs and drain me to death.  '

" I can say, you're mine, Jaemin. Mine. "

' What? His ?! I shudder in fear as I felt him burying his face on my neck and I then felt him lick on it.

" M-Minhyung. Stop. Please! I mean it! "  He doesn't stop, I then felt something sharp on my neck his sharp fangs ghosting on my neck. " I should've done this the first time I saw you. " I let out a pained scream as his fangs pierced on my neck. I felt lightheaded, I am losing a lot of blood, I can feel it.

" M-Minhyung. " All I see is blur, but I swore I saw someone pushed Minhyung off of me before I passed out. I open my eyes and see Minhyung looking down on me. I screamed in fear and ran at the corner of the room.

" Stay away from me ! Y-you're a bloody monster! I hate you! You think I'll let you just bite me ?! " I yelled at him. He looks down in shame. " I'm sorry. " I scoff and laugh.

' I can't believe this. '

" Your simple sorry can't buy my trust and forgiveness on you Minhyung! " I snapped at him. " Get out! "

" Jaemin.... " He grabs onto my arm his eyes went red again. ' No this is not happening again! '

" Get away from me ! Please! I hate you Minhyung! I would never like you or fall for a vampire like you. And you know what ? You should have just ended me that day and this day ! " I yelled. His eyes widened. Then the door burst open, great more vampires came to my room.

 Then the door burst open, great more vampires came to my room

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