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I woke up and sat up breathing heavily, I then looked at my surroundings and sighed in relief that I was just in my room and it was all just a dream.

" It was all just dream.... " I mumbled. I sighed and drank the water, which was placed on my beside table. I put it back once I finished drinking, but I jumped when I heard my bedroom door opened, and in came, Jaehyun my brother.

" Breakfast is ready now, Jaem. Go freshen up will be opening the cafe early today. " He said and I nodded my head and I was about to stand up from my bed but Jaehyun holds my shoulder. I looked at him in question.

" You alright ? " He asked in a worried tone.  I nodded my head and smiled, he gave me a look. " Ok, if you say so. I'll wait for you downstairs. " I nodded my head and watch him leave my room, as soon as my brother leaves I arrange my bed and went to the bathroom to get ready.

Once I was inside the bathroom and took off all my sleepwear and entered the shower and was standing there until I remembered those words on my dream.

" I'm sorry. I love you Jaemin. Goodbye. "

That voice. It feels like it was all real. Or was it all just a dream. No wait everything that happens in the dream were like real, I then look at my wrist where the red strings were, but now there wasn't any. And the guy in my dreams was a blur, actually.

I sighed and shook my head.  " It's not real, Jaemin. It's not real. " I mumbled. I then hurriedly did my bath and went out to change.

I then rummage through my closet and decided to wear the plain white shirt with grey sweater, blue jeans and my converse which has design of flower. I then style hair in the end and went downstairs where my brother is waiting.

" Good morning, Jaemin. Take a seat now and eat your breakfast. " Doyoung greeted me with a smile, the husband of my brother, Jaehyun. I smiled in return and sat down as he handed me my plate.

" Thanks hyung. you're the best... " I said and started to eat. He ruffles my hair affectionately. " Honey. Me and Taeyong would be at the mall today.. " I heard Doyoung hyung said to Jaehyun hyung who looked at him in question.

" Why ? "

" He needs help with the surprise he will do to Johnny later this evening. " Doyoung hyung said and rolled his eyes. " Oh wait, isn't it Taeyong hyung andJohnny Hyung's 3rd wedding anniversary today ? " I asked as I sip my coffee. Doyoung nodded his head.

" Ahh that explains why Taeyong hyung needs you. Haha. Oh well be careful you two honey, me and Jaemin will make sure to distract him today. " Jaehyun hyung laughed and ate his breakfast, I nodded my head in agreement.

" You better do. Gosh. I still can't forget how Johnny barged right through the house, when were not finish decorating yet haha. The surprise was ruined haha. "

" I remembered that. He was panicking that time because Taeyong hyung didn't text him back for the whole day. " Jaehyun said and shook his head. I snorted. " But it all turned great. " I said and Doyoung hyung and Jaehyun hyung nodded their head laughing.

" Indeed it is. Well we better get going honey. thanks for the breakfast.... Call me whenever you need me. Alright ? " Jaehyun hyung said to Doyoung who smiled and nodded his head and give him a kiss on the lips.

While watching then my mind then drifts to the dream where the blurred guy kissed me on the lips and I shook my head and stood up and wait for Jaehyun hyung at the car.

Not a minute after Jaehyun hyung came out and twirling his car keys, I entered the passengers seat when he clicked the car open. He then entered the drivers seat and started the car.

The ride to the cafe was silent as the sound of the radio was only heard, We arrived at the cafe for just 45 minutes, we didn't encountered the heavy traffic. I went out of the car and entered the cafe, with Jaehyun hyung on my tail.

We greeted the staffs who were now preparing for the opening of the cafe, I then went to my station which was making coffee, I greeted Johnny hyung who was also stationed there with me.

" Good morning, Jaeminnie... " He greeted happily, " good morning too you to hyung. " I said and grabbed the apron from him.

" Okay everyone, today's another day. Let's do this! " Jaehyun hyung said and we then started our work as soon as customers entered the cafe.


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Plot twist 🤭✌️

𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 | 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐌𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now