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As Minhyung leads me through the forest, a gasped escaped from my lips when I lights that were hanging on trees.

" Who prepared all of this ? " I asked, he stopped and gave me a smile. " The boy's planned and helped me decorate this place. " He said and continued walking, we then stopped after and I was left speechless with the arrangement.

" Wow. " Lot's of lanterns were hanging on tree branches and candle lights were also scattered on the ground. And at the center there's a table and 2 chairs that is set.

" So ? What do you think ? " He asked, I can see how he was rubbing his nape in embarrassment.

" M-minhyung. This is so beautiful. "  I said, he smile in relief. He then lead me towards the chair and I said thank you as he walked towards his chair and sat infront of me.

Just then I heard a soft mellow music, playing. I turned my head and try to look where it came from and I was shocked to see, Donghyuck who was holding a phone and a speaker.

I giggled and looked at Minhyung who was pouring a wine on our glass. " This place used to be my favorite spot. " He started. I tilt my head in confusion.

" Your favorite spot ? "

" Yeah, this is where I usually think, read some books and think about her... " He looks down as he holds the wine glass on his hands

" Minhyung if you don't mind me asking. Is it your mother your referring to ? " I ask.He cleared his throat and shook his head.

" No.... It's my ex girlfriend. Her name's Margo, you almost look alike except that your a guy. "

" Was she your first lover ? " I asked. He nods and sips the wine. " What happened to her ? " 

" I found out that just she didn't love me all along. She was just using me with my money and things she want to buy. I of course as her boyfriend, I've bought all the things she requested and wanted. But I caught her cheating at our shared flat. "

" I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you that. " I mumbled, he scoffed and drank his wine. " It's okay. And besides it's been a long time already. I've moved on from that bitch. " I cringed at the nickname he gave to his ex.

" Anyways, she has been dead for a 120 years ago. She doesn't want to be vampire. "

" Oh... " I said. Never knew he would be this calm and open to share this kind of topic.

" And change topic. Let's eat. And this time I promise it's an actual food not raw ones. " He chuckled and I joined though.

" That was absolutely crazy of you to brought me there. " I replied and he shrugged his shoulders as he sliced the steak.

He grabbed my plate and put his plate infront of me. " Thank you Minhyung..  " I said. " Your welcome, mi amor. "

After we finished eating our meal, Minhyung stood up and grab my hand as I slowly stood up.

" Come with me... "

" Where are we going ? " I asked and he gave me a smile. " You'll see... It's a surprise. " He said and suddenly carried me bridal style and ran using his vampire speed, I clung onto him tightly.

 " He said and suddenly carried me bridal style and ran using his vampire speed, I clung onto him tightly

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