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Lee Minjae, Lee Minjun, Jung Youngjae, Seo Yoon, Liu Yangjun, Park Chansung were just staring at the twin's sister, Lee Na-Rae, who was also staring back at them. The 7 friends were left at the Lee's mansion were left babysitting the twins sister, who was irritated at why she still needed to be babysat.

" Are we like gonna stare at my sister the whole day ? " Minjun asks the 5, Yangjun shrugged his shoulder in reply.

" I actually have no idea on how to take care of baby. " Youngjae said. " Me neither. " Chansung mumbled, Na-Rae throw a pillow at him, in which he instantly caught.

" Am not a baby anymore oppa. When will you stop treating me like baby. " Na-Rae huffed Minjun laughed and ruffles his sisters hair. " I'll forever treat you as our baby, little sister, Lee Na-Rae. " He said and then glance Minjae and Yoon who didn't utter a word which confuses them.

" You two have been quite for sometime now ? Is something wrong ? " Minjun asked his twin Minjae who just huffed and walked away.

" What's wrong with him ? Are you two having an argument, Yoon noona ? " Chansung asked Yoon who was now combing Na-Rae's hair  " Don't mind him, his maybe not in the mood. Why don't we just watch a movie, you guys can look for a good one, I'll go prepare the snacks. " She said and walked to the kitchen to prepare for their snacks but stops when he saw Minjae leaning against the counter deep in thought.

She didn't bother him and just prepare some popcorns and find some chips for them to eat while they watch a movie.

" Until when are we going to hide this relationship of ours, Yoon ? " Minjae said, which caused Yoon to stopped what she was doing and turned to look at him. " Is that what makes you being distant from me for the past few weeks ? " She asked him back, Minjae shrugged his shoulders in reply. Yoon sighed and walked towards him.

" You know that I love you so much right ? " She asked him, Minjae nodded his head, Yoon smiled and peck his lips, they then heard someone cleared their throat, she immediately pulled away blushing.

" Ok, lovebirds we get it, you two are in relationships! The movie's set now, is the food ready ? you two better not each other's mess the food with your unholy things! " Minjun said and stared at them waiting for them to say something.

Minjae just shook his head at his twin. " We aren't even doing anything, idiot. " He said, Minjun glared at him. " I'm not an idiot, your the one who's the idiot who looks so stupid right now. " He said back to his twin, all Yoon could do was shook her head at the two bickering with each other, she then continued preparing the food and left the two who were now chasing each other.

Later that evening, the rest of their friends went home already and the only once left at the living room were the 3 Lee's who were cuddling with each. Minjae was in the right and beside him was their little sister and at her left was Minjun.

That's where their parents saw when they arrived from their house, Jaemin leaned into his husband's shoulders.

" Thank you, Minhyung.... " He mumbled to him, he looked at his husband in question. " What for ? Mi amore? "

" Thank you for saving me that night and thank you for giving me a 3 blessings. I love you so much.  " He said and kisses him Minhyung smiled as he snake his arms on his waist as he deepened the kiss, they pulled away and he cupped his face.

" No, I should be the one who should thank you, Jaemin. Thank you for being patient with me and being with me forever. " He said and Jaemin smiled and was about to kiss him again but stopped when they heard there kids groaning, they laughed and walked to their kids.

" Daddy? Dada ? " Na-Rae sleepily called, Jaemin then walked towards her and smiled.

" I love you.... "  She whispered, Jaemin kisses her forehead and also did the same to his two son's who were soundly asleep, Minhyung smiled at the sight and also did the same to their children.

" Go back to sleep, now darling..  " Minhyung said as he caressed her hair, Na-Rae sleepily nodded and hugged Minjae.

" We love you so much my darlings, Minjae, Minjun, Na-Rae...  " Jaemin and Minhyung said and decided to sleep with their children at the living room.



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