"What happened?" she asked.

The woman shocked turned around. She looked to be y/n's age with long brown hair and roses covering her dress and even some in her hair.

"Prince Tommy was poisoned" she whispered as more and more murmurs erupted once the stretcher was gone.

And up at the throne the queen was crying into the kings shoulder while Prince Wilbur was giving orders.

"We need to find that person now. Techno grab a sword and search the halls. Phil, Kristin get to your rooms, this assassin could still be in the castle" the three nodded.

Kristin and Phil went through a back door that lead straight to their sleeping chambers and Technoblade grabbed a sword before heading to the halls. Wilbur sat back down in his throne and sighed putting his head down, this isnt how the ball was supposed to go. Suddenly the sound of the guards running down the stairs brought his head back up.

"HER!" Dream yelled pointing to a girl in the crowd.

The people around the girl gasped before shuffled away showing a cowering girl. She was beautiful though. Her curled hair matched the silver dress that had vines and flowers accenting it. Wilbur rushed down as the four guards circled her. Sapnap grabbed something that was tucked into her dress, a small vial. He handed it to Karl. Finally Wilbur got down and stood next to Karl who confirmed it was poison. Wilbur eyed the girl she looked around frantically.

"Wait please it wasnt me I-"

Wilbur brought up his hand to silence the girl.

Y/n stared at the prince who had just sileneced her. She needed to get out of here and fast. Then she remebered she had the necklace for a reason.

"Im sorry" y/n muttered before putting two fingers up to the pendant.

Wilbur stared at her confused. What did she mean?

"I-" the purple particles and the girl being gone cut him off.

"Did she just teleport?" George asked as the other guards looked around confused and the crowd gasped yet again.

"Ranboo!" Wilbur yelled and soon the enderman hybrid was right infront of him.

"Find Techno and say this to him, Wilbur said that the assassin used magic to escape, she should be in the halls, if you find her restrain her" Wilbur said as the boy nodded and teleported out.

Y/n appeared somewhere in the castle halls. She needed to get out and fast but her pendant couldnt take her all the way out of the castle, its wall were too thick. She glanced behind her to make sure the guards werent there before running foward holding up her dress. The castle was big and she surely didnt know where to go. But little did she know that just a hallway away Technolade was reciving the message.

"Thanks Ranboo" Techno said as the boy poofed away.

"God a girl" Techno muttered gripping his sword harder and walking a little faster.

Techno hated the though if what his family was going through. Kristin was desperately wanting to see Tommy but Phil had to hold her back. Wilbur had to take this horrific situation into his own hands. Tubbo was crying in some corner with Ranboo probably comforting him now. The guards would just be frantic that this girl escaped them. And Tommy, poor Tommy. The unsuspecting child gets poisoned. And for what reason? Techno didnt know that but in a matter of seconds he would find out.

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