Nov 21-the annual day+ fete

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Super thanks to Dream31on..for making the wonderful cover..:D



21 Nov’10

11:30 PM (My room)

Tired. Completely tired. Dead Tired.

I am just back from the annual day plus, fete. And I can hardly keep my eyes open. The only reason I am writing to you is that I won’t be able to sleep before I tell how I feel to someone. I think I am finally addicted to you. No, I know I am.

I woke up at six in the morning today. So, I called Priya today, so that she could straighten my hair up. (I know that she wakes up late, but I had made her promise to help me out. Plus,  I had set the alarm on her mobile myself.) However, the straightening was not much of a use , because all my hair were to be tied into a bun-when I played the mumma’s role. She did it well. Surprisingly. Usually, she doesn’t do my things well. I mean, we often tie up for things,like hair spa and all. And what I feel is she just brushes through my hair. Maybe , I’m wrong. Or atleast I was proved wrong today. For my hair never looked as sexy, as it did today. Too bad, it was ruined on the way to school. (I went on my bicycle with the sari in my bag..You don’t really thing I would had been able to cycle my way to school on cycle..or do you? Haha..crazy thought!)

And so, I went in the clothes, which I was supposed to wear after the skit was over. In the fete I mean. Ohkay, and I am gonna admit. My off-shoulder grey tank top over black skinny jeans, fitted me quite well. Tank top covered my not-to-be-shown tummy (which has reduced a LOT! Wow! Finally! ) And the skinny jeans..showed my worked out legs. (Oh! And don’t tell me that I never told you that Priya helped me to decide the outfit. NO? well, now you know.haha.)

Can you believe it, I’m so tired , and still I am joking. I have lost it.

On reaching school, however, I was more than just mesmerized  at the view. Everything was just so colourful . And everyone too. All the girls and Boys, were dressed in either adorable or hideous costumes. But, I loved the atmosphere, nevertheless.

I looked and looked but I couldn’t find Tanmay. All this while I was dying to show-off my sexy outfit to him..and boom! He was nowhere to be seen. Great!

In the green room-I was scared, because  my teacher was on the edge of losing temper and I HAD FORGOTTEN TO CARRY SAFETY PINS. If you don’t know

 What the heck I am talking about. Then, you should know that a sari can not be worn properly without safety pins. A normal lady, requires 5-6 pins, if she wants to come home in the way she went. Safety pins works gel in the hair. Keeping the outfit in place.

Now obviously, since no sari could be draped upon me without them. So,I was  dead.

Thanks, to my friends in the skit. (the other girls who are in the skit, I mean) . They did after all manage to bring safety pins from teachers. (since, the teachers here, also wear sari, some of them, carry extra. I told you they were mandatory. Hair can be set without gel, for a moment. But a sari can not. ) By the way, did I tell that they had to go to 7 teachers to arrange just 10 pins. Woah!

So-after continuous trials and errors. I was finally draped into a sari.Every time it was unneat, or too mushy, or too exposing. (yeah, sari gives a fine view of your waist. And since I was to play , a mother, and not a slut, I obviously had to look smart in the sari, not exposing , yet had to show my body, since I was not playing a granny either). Haha. It felt weird. But in the end, I was pretty much satisfied. No, I didn’t look as sexy as Priyanka Chopra did in desi girl. She wore a bikini blouse after all. And I was sure-as-hell not wearing that. I wore a cut sleeve-which did just as fine. My geography teacher did my hair well. And then, is when, I received the something which were never expected.

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