"OI!" a mans voice called out.

Y/n turned her head and groaned before pulling her hood down farther. The one guy she didnt want to see was walking towards her. Natan owned the most expensive jewerly to trade. And he also happens to be the one y/n stole from the most.

"Oi you walk familiar, I know you?" he asked once y/n was in earshot.

"No sorry sir Im new here" y/n muttered trying to make her voice deeper.

Natan looked suspiciously at y/n before trying to peek under her hood. Y/n scowled and looked at the ground. Suddenly Natan wipped her hood off causing y/n to look up.

"YOUR THE GIRL WHO STOLE FROM ME!" he yelled pulling out a dagger.

"Now Natan lets not make this hard on you" y/n said taking a step back.

But thats didnt stop the merchant. He swung his dagger at y/n which caugh the end of her shirt. She ducked at his second swing and pulled her hood back up. While the two were fighting, or while y/n was trying not to die they hadnt noticed the path that had been cleared.

"Geez Natan, OW!" y/n yelled as his dagger sliced through her lower cheeck.

Suddenly the man shoved y/n to the ground a pulled out his sword putting it right next to y/n's neck.

"Now Natan you dont have to do thi-"

"Pull the sword away, now" a montone voice said poking Natan with a sword.

The merchant quickly lowered his sword with his head hung low. Y/n smirked but quickly scurried backward before getting up. The crowd was now focused on Natan and the man behind him. Before y/n could tell who the man was behind the merchant, he left, just as quick as he had come. Y/n glanced around before running into the crowd as it closed the path it had made. She ran all the home after that not wanting to get caught with another merchant, or someone worse. The door slammed behind her as y/n plopped onto her couch.

"Holy shit" she panted before getting up again.

She headed into her room to change. Her days clothes were now dirty and partly ripped. She changed into a white t-shirt with brown pants and black boots. She headed to a mirror to put a small bandage on her cut cheeck. After y/n put her old clothes into a bag she put on the same hooded cape. It had been a gift from her mother along with the glowing purple necklace that she almost never took off. The cape hung down just a little past her hips and was connected with a small silver chain in the front. The necklace was also the same silver chain but on the end was the purple pendant tha held a special power. Y/n glanced out the window to see the sun was almost down. She needed to get to Niki's, and fast.

"NIKI!" y/n yelled once she was in the bakery.

"UPSTAIRS!" the pink haired girl yelled back.

Y/n headed to the back where a small set of stairs was. On the uper lever was where Niki lived. It had a small sitting area then a bed and bathroom.

"Close your eyes" Niki said as she walked up to y/n.

Y/n just nodded and closed her eyes. She flet Niki grab her hand and lead her into what y/n guessed was the bedroom. The two stopped and stood there in silence before Niki spoke up again.

"Ok open!"

Infront of the two girls was the most gorgeous dress y/n had ever seen. Its base color was a light gray, basically silver. But even the silver gems on the hem didnt keep y/n staring at it. The vines that wrapped around it is what caught her eyes. Its dark green color complimented the silver so well. But even then the dress wasnt complete. Occasionally on the vines megenta flowers made of crystals and gems pocked out, catching all the light.

"Oh my god Niki its, perfect" y/n whispered.

"I know! And since I cant go you'll be wearing it to the Spring Ball!" Niki said moving toward the dress.

"The silver with compliment your wavy hair. Then the magenta flowers will go with your necklace and your beautiful eyes!" the girl exclaimed as y/n just stared in amazement.

"Niki I love you so much right now!" y/n laughed hugging her bestfreind.

"Ok!" the girl laughed "Come to my place a couple hours before the ball which is,"

"Two days" y/n said helping Niki out.

"Right. Ill help you get ready and then thoes guards will have to let you in" Niki giggled.

Y/n nodded and hugged Niki one last time before leaving. She walked alone in the night. Her hair matching with the sky. The only other thing glowing than the stars was the small pendant around y/n's neck.

Chapter one I personally love. I dont have many notes for this chapter so this will probably be it. Oh wait the cover art isnt by me, I found it on pinterest so idk who to give credits to sorry! I also have a lot of chapters in my drafts so they'll be frequent posts for a bit. Uh yeah thats it byeeee!

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