~ welcome ~

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Welcome to Nazzulia Kingdom. The richest kingdom in a hundred mile radious. Everone here had a money. Well almost everyone. Nazzulia was high in trading so rich mercants tended to settle down here. Over half the population was wealthy, thats what made Nazzulia a great kingdom. But some didnt. And those who didnt worked hard, as much as they could. Day and night. But not all the poor towns folks worked. Such like a person as y/n. Never worked an hour in her life. Well thats what she thought. She fended off the rich. Giving her money to do their simple tasks. Y/n didnt see it as work, she saw it helping the neighbors. Thats how she survived. It wasnt the best way to survive but hell it worked. Now time to show you the kingdom.

Over there, is the prison. Some shops was next in line. Then the trading centers, where everyone trades. And lastly the houses. Most being rich houses or mansions. But sometimes you would spot a small run-down broken shack like house. Y/n lived in one of those houses, but not for long. And last thing, the castle. It was extraordinary. The gold rooves glimmered in the sun. The white bricks stuck out from the dark oak forest that surrounded it. The towers climbing high into the sky almost touching the clouds. It was everything anyone could ever dream of. But only few people saw the inside, which was even better. Stained glass around every corner. The tall wooden doors with their magnificent carvings. The paintings that hung on wall after wall. And on one day of the year it was open to anyone. Well almost everyone.

Now that you know the kingdom and the castle lets get into this story taking our attention back to the prison. Few people occupied its tall, purple-black walls. Only true criminals were in there. Not innocent girls. Everyone tried staying away from it, which was pretty hard having it be close to all the shops and trading centers. But thats not where our- this story starts. It starts in one of the most busy shops in town, the bakery where y/'s best friend worked.


"NIKI!" y/n said rushing through the doors waving around a flyer.

"Not now y/n its rush hour!" the girl yelled handing another pastery to a hungry customer.

"But its important!" y/n whinned going behind the counter.

"Then help me!" Niki said rushing to the back as an oven beeped.

Y/n groaned and set the flyer down before helping some customers. After an hour of customers coming in and out it died down giving y/n enough time to talk to Niki.

"Now what did you want to talk to me about?" the pink-haired girl asked clapping her hands together to get the flour off.

"This!" y/n said picking up the flyer and giving it to Niki.

"Oh the Spring Ball" she said with a smile.

Y/n nodded and just stood there as Niki read through it. It was y/n's dream to go to the ball. She'd never gotten the chance but each year Niki got to go, haivng being close with one of the princes. Niki sighed setting the small flyer down on the counter.

"Y/n your just in luck because I cant go" Niki said as the smile from her face dropped.

"What why?!"

"Well I have plans out of the kingdom. But you should wear my dress and go. Stop by after sunset my dress will be in by then" she said pushing y/n a bit.

The girl just nodded and headed out the bakery door. She was obviously upset that Niki wouldnt be going but maybe this year y/n could go. The sun was close to sunset but not quite there. Y/n trudged down the brick road passing more shops such as the butcher and brewer. Next was the trading center. It was busy from sun high to sun down. Y/n hated this part of walking home. She always had to shove through the crowds. The girl pulled her hood up so she wouldnt be reconized. Some of the merchants here werent on good terms with y/n. Especially since she had stolen some expensive jewlery in the past to pay for food.

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