strange feelings. (28)

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it's almost time..

the final showdown is tomorrow..

( the day before the battle.)

"it's almost time.." i reminded chifuyu who's walking in front of me.

"before that come with me takemicchi." he said surprising me.

"huh? where to?" i asked as sweat starts to form on my forehead.

he didn't answer me though, he just walked in silence. i had no choice but to follow him due to curiosity. the whole walk was just dead silence. it made me so nervous..questions pile up in my head like where is he taking me? where are we even going..? of course i know he won't take me to somewhere sketchy but i'm still on edge.

after a few more minutes of walking, i followed him up a bridge.. i was shocked when i saw who was standing on there waiting for us...


"sorry for calling you here." chifuyu apologized.

"chifuyuu.. haven't had enough of getting punched yet?" baji-kun smirked.

"did you dig up any dirt on kisaki?" chifuyu asked.

"hah?" baji looked at us confused but pissed at the same time.

"you're spying for toman aren't you?" chifuyu asked confidently. "through my investigation, i've learned that kisaki is a dangerous guy."

"what are you talking about?"

"when tomorrow comes.. when the fight'll really become an enemy to toman baji-san?!" chifuyu asked in a disbelief tone.

"chifuyu how many times have i told you? don't trust anyone but your friends." baji said grinning. "i'm part of valhalla..tomorrow i'll crush toman." he declared.

"chifuyu.." i called out. "could i talk to baji-kun alone?" i asked.

chifuyu nodded and walked away from me and baji-kun. waiting very far away from us till he can't hear anything we were about to talk about but he wasn't out of sight.

"oi.. we haven't talked just the two of us before haven't we?" baji asked.

i turned my body sideways to the bridge's railing and sighed. "i don't know what you're after baji-kun..rather i really don't care about that. just..." i paused to look up at the sky as i felt that tears were forming up in my eyes. "please get through tomorrow."


"just..don't die. because..mikey-kun would be sad if you did!!" i begged, while the tears rolled down my cheeks.

"that guy's my enemy..i'll kill him tomorrow."

"kill who?" a voice asked making me shocked at who it belonged to..


"hah? what are you doing here?" baji turned his head to face y/n.

"i should be asking you that." she said in a cold tone. "back to my question..kill who!?"

"none of your fucking business."

out of nowhere, she grabbed baji by the collar of his jacket. "it is my fucking business, everything you do is my business."

"get the fuck away from me." baji pushed her away from him gently.

how did y/n-chan get here?? how did i not notice she was here..did she hear everything i said??

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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