goodbyes (06)

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Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


it was a great sunny saturday morning. y/n woke up really early due to her sleeping schedule. ever since that day where she met draken, she was super late for school so the teacher had to send her back home for being too late for school, so her grandma switched up her sleep schedule.

y/n's not a morning person but she got used to waking up early in the morning now so she doesn't really mind anymore.

y/n woke up and made her bed then did her usual morning routine such as showering doing her own hair and getting dressed for the day.

after she finished she went downstairs to have breakfast. when she got down she yelled out " morning grandma!" with a joyful smile across her face but instead of seeing her grandma she saw her mom in the kitchen.

she was hit with a sad realization, her grandma had been sick for weeks now so she's at the hospital.

y/n seated herself at the dining table and quietly she waits for breakfast.

" grandma got worse.." her mom mutter while placing the rice bowl in front of y/n.
y/n looked up at her mother locking eyes with her and said "don't worry! i know she's going to get better soon." she assured her mom while trying to convince herself at the same time.
"y/n.." y/n mom looked at her with a worried face.
y/n looks at her mom with a confused facial expression. "we're moving week, me and your father already bought a house in the states. after your grandma gets better we'll go immediately. i'm sorry i-".

"WHAT?" y/n got out of her seat and yelled.
" WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER?" tears forming up in her eyes as she heard what her mom just said.
"y/n don't raise your voice at me. we're moving to america as soon as your grandma gets better. i am really sorry i didn't inform you sooner. we thought it'll be a good idea to live there since there's more opportunities there. grandma isn't coming with since she doesn't want to move." her mom explained.
" that's dumb, i don't want to go. i'm staying here with grandma." y/n stated coldly.
" that wasn't a question whether you'd go or stay, i'm telling you that we're moving so that means you're coming with." her mom rephrased as she looked at y/n with a serious facial expression.
"i don't want to go with you i'll stay with grandma i'll help her out i don't want to leave here.." tears fell from her face as she tried to convince her mom to let her stay with her grandma.
" we'll discuss this later, eat up." y/n's mom walked out of the kitchen to the living room as y/n silently cried.
she had lost all her appetite to eat so she wiped her tears and went to the sink to wash up to try to hide the fact that she cried.

y/n went out of her house to mikey's.

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
waiting for you. || Sano Manjiro x Reader.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum