pretty unexpected (10)

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first of all omg 100+ reads 😭😭, you guys are literally the best i didnt even expect this tbh. i wanna say tysm! ly all <3.

i really hate waking up

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i really hate waking up.

i woke up due to loud banging on my door so i had to wake up and get out of bed. i walked lazily to open the door as i opened the door revealing my mom standing in front of the door with her arms crossed. these past few years after i moved to america, i've never gotten along with my mother anymore. we haven't had a normal long conversation in years, every time we'd speak it'll just turn into an argument. after my grandma passed away she changed and treated me so different, well to be fair as a kid we barely even spent time together due to how busy she was.
"can you wake up already it's 12pm get up and stop being so lazy."
"mom it's literally saturday i don't have anything to do anyways" i yawned.
"just get the fuck up oh my god" she said annoyed at me.
"okay okay you don't have to curse."
she then walked downstairs cursing up a storm as she walked down the stairs.
i guess someone woke up in the wrong side of the bed.
i was done getting dressed so i walked down stairs to have lunch since i skipped breakfast since i woke up late already. i saw my mom watching tv on the sofa laughing loudly. i then walked to the kitchen because i'm starving. i'm never sleeping in ever again
there wasn't anything to eat at all i guess mom forgot to buy groceries again.
i really didn't want to ask her for money but i guess i have to for the sake of my hungry growling stomach.
"hey mom, can i have 1100 yen there's nothing to eat at home so i wanna go to the convenience store to maybe get ramen there."
"whatever go get it yourself the purse is in my room." she rolled her eyes.
i ran back upstairs to go to her room. to be honest i've never really been to her room since she never really lets me in plus i don't know why i should go in anyways. i reached her room to i swung the door open. her room's a mess, she shares her room with my father obviously but father is never really home after we move back i mean it's not like he's ever really home anyways. i searched for her wallet and found it in the cabinet with a box under it. the box is covered with random stickers and for some weird reason my brain is telling me that i should open it out because it looks very intriguing so my body just moved on it's own. i lifted the box and put it on the ground. when i opened it i was shocked i couldn't believe my eyes...
it was a box with all my letters to mikey and baji it in..
the letters that i "sent" them was never delivered.. my mother kept all of them in this box. why? why.. WHY?
i was mad..i was fuming with anger inside of me but i was also filled with curiosity. i grabbed all the letters and ran back downstairs to where my mom is.
she looked at me with her eye brow raised but then she saw i was holding the letters. her facial expression immediately changed into a mad one. she got up from her seat and rushed over to where i was standing, grabbing the letters from my hand.
"why do you have this mom?" i asked.
"none of your business" she say as she walked to the kitchen.
"DON'T FUCKING RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME" she yelled back at me,"i never wanted you to stay in contact with those filthy boys." she said then ripped one of my letters apart. i rushed over to where she was trying to get back my letters. she then slapped me.

and here i thought " maybe the mail man didn't deliver it to the right address.." but it was here all along. she never sent those letters for me as she promised she would do for me..she lied to me..

"why didn't you mail those letters like you said you would.." i looked down at my feet as tears were forming in my eyes.
"i told you i don't want you to hang out with those lowlifes." she scoff.
"they're not lowlifes.. they're my friends. you never mailed the letters like you said you would now i don't have any friends at all because of you!" i cried.
"SHUT UP! you shouldn't even be friends with such pathetic people!" she yelled.

what is she saying..mikey's parents were literally best friends with her..what is wrong with her.

"they're all lowlifes. mikey's parents were shitty people..shitty fucking friends..your grandma was a bad mom too! i'm trying to protect you y/n that's why i don't want to go near any of those people.." she said with a soft voice.
"protecting me? mom what are you saying? are you trying to ruin my life!?" i looked at her with anger in my eyes.
"after all i've done for you? "ruin your life" what the fuck! that's it i'm done!",
"get the fuck out or else. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU BITCH!" she yelled at me pointing the door demanding me to leave.
i quickly grabbed the un-ruined letters she didn't rip apart yet with blurry eyes filled with tears and..
i ran. i ran out of the house because i had enough of her bullshit. why did she do this. what did i even do to her. why is she treating me like shit. what's wrong with her.
thoughts filled my head. i wasn't paying attention to anything besides what happened earlier with my mom, why did she hide those letters? i'm so confused and mad at her at the same time, what is trying to accomplish doing this? i kept trying to find excuses on why she would do such things but none of them make sense. this is messed up so fucking messed up..
i was too disturbed by my thoughts i wasn't even aware of where i'm heading to nor was i even looking around. i'm just walking to try to gather answers on why my mom wouldn't let me be friends with mikey and the others and most importantly what's going on with her.
suddenly i heard a man yelled out "HEY BE CAREFUL WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE!" i finally look up and..
a bright motor bike light was heading right towards where i was standing.
i couldn't was like as if my shoes were glued to the legs feel weak it's like i'm not in control of my body..
all a sudden i feel someone lifting me up, putting me on their shoulder running. all i could see was their back. then everything went completely black..

i opened my eyes to see that i'm in a familiar room

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i opened my eyes to see that i'm in a familiar room.
a garage..?
i'm laying on a bed, a comfy one..
where am i?
i look over to my right to see a blonde haired boy sitting on the sofa..
i couldn't see his face clearly since i'm not wearing my contacts or glasses plus i feel dizzy and nauseous at the same time so i squint my eyes to try to see who the person is.
"you're awake?" the voice said walking over to where i was.
this voice.. it sounds familiar..
"you fainted on my shoulder so i had to take you here." he looked away avoiding eye contact.
"you're finally talking to me?.." i chuckled looking at him.
"why weren't you just standing in the middle of the road?" he asked.
"mikey..i'm sorry."
he looked at me with his dark black eyes.
"i- i'm.." tears falls off my cheeks as i try to speak.
"i did try to contact you..i sent you tons of letters. i thought the mail man just delivered it to the wrong address but i-i my mom was the one who hid them away.. she stole them." i said crying at the same time.
"i know" he said pointing at the letters laying on his table. "i'm sorry y/n." he looked at me with an apologetic look. "i thought you didn't want to be friends anymore and forgot about us."
"i'm sorry!" he smiled.
same old dumb as ever.
"i feel like i'm about to puke." i said
he rushed over to get a trash can and gave it to me.
"you know what's funny? i forgot why i was even mad at you hehe.." he scratched the back of his head laughing.
"i missed your stupidity mikey."
"you're also stupid!" he defended himself.

to be continued..

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