rude guy. (17)

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i feel bored, depressed, empty. there's this longing to just run away from everything, to just disappear from everything in this world. so far coming back to Tokyo is so hectic and almost nothing had been going well. I'm grateful to have my friends with me but at the same time i just feel like a burden, like I'm just in their way.

"where are you going?" mikey asked me as he saw me putting on my shoes. 

man this dude alway s appears out of nowhere.

"huh? i was gonna go out to just walk around i guess.. staying home is too boring.

"okay! where are we going?" he smiled as he jumped out of his seat.

"uh you don't need to come mikey" i said making him frown.

"it's okay i wanna come!" he insisted

"i could go alone it's alright mik-" 

"who's gonna protect you then?" he asked with a blank straight face interrupting me.

"mikey i could protect myself, after all i'm almost as strong as you." 

"yea yea" mikey rolled his eyes. "where are you going tho?"

"i don't know i'll just walk around ya know, wherever my heart wants me to go" 

"are you gonna go to the festival with emma and the others later?" mikey asked.

"oh yeah.." i totally forgot about the festival. ''i don't even wanna go, you're not even going to go. i'll just be a fourth wheel.'' 

"i've got to go somewhere." he said looking away.

"alright then bye see you." i said waving at him.

"okay! bye bye y/n!!'' 

these past few days has been shit, a lot of things had happened in a blink of an eye.  i don't even feel like myself anymore. my mom left me, my dad's no where to be found, what else? pah chin got arrested..and he wanted me to take over the 3rd divison in toman..i haven't even decided if i wanna take over 3rd division or not.. i basically don't have any relatives anymore. how can everything go wrong so fast. what did i do to deserve this?  
i walked to a swing and sat down, kicking my legs off the ground swinging myself. 

i couldn't hold back my tears anymore, i can't bottle up my emotions any longer.i need to let it all out so i burst into tears. 

can i life get any shitter? i usually never cry in front of anyone, it's not because i don't trust them i just don't want anyone to see how weak and vulnerable i could be plus i really don't want to worry them so I've never opened up to anyone before..

i quickly wiped my tears away after seeing someone walking over to where i was sitting.
a blonde hair tall guy with a middle part walked towards me.
he seems to have deep burned scar on his left eye.

"why are you crying like a spoiled little brat who didn't get what she wanted." the boy commented.

he saw me crying. he saw me crying.

"none of your fucking business."

 a spoiled brat? what a rude ass motherfucker. 

"i was just trying to be nice. you sure are a brave one." he looked at me with his emerald green eyes, "get outta here before anyone else finds you." 

"so? what if they did?" i glared at him.

"do you even know where you are?" he asked. i don't, i have no idea where i am..i was just walking around tokyo without a destination. just following my heart..

"of course i do!" i lied.

"liar, i'm feeling nice today so get out of here, this is the black dragon's turf. if you just keep sitting there i wouldn't be able to help you when you get beat up." he warned me.

"who do you think i am? some pussy? i could beat you up in a heartbeat right here right now." i glared at him expecting to get a reaction out of him but he just stared at me death in the eyes..with no expression whatsoever, a straight face

"stop staring at me, i'll leave since i don't want trouble but. forget what you saw today or else i'll kill you." i threatened him, then walked off leaving him before he could even utter out a word.

that encounter was probably the most embarrassing shit ever. i can't believe he saw me cry oh my god.. fuck this i'm going back home oh my god.

"EMMMMMMAA" i yelled.

"huh? y/n what's up?" emma asked looking at me

"nothing um so i have nothing to wear to the festival and i'm kinda too lazy to go so-" 

"nope no shut up" emma hushed me as she put her fingers on my mouth "luckily i'm such a good friend i have another kimino."

emma pulled out the other kimino she had from her closet. the kimino was a pink and white kimino with pink sakura flower patterns on it. 

"this will look so good on you!" emma said as she excitingly squeal.

"mmm we'll see i guess" i smiled.
"OH MY GOD" emma covered her mouth when she saw me in the kimino "i knew it i knew it i knew it! you look so good oh my god oh my god!" 

supportive emma as usual.

"let me do your hair!",she then tied my hair in a low ponytail and clipped a flower hairpin on the side of my head. "perfect!" she smiled.

"why does my lips look so pale.'' i say as i looked myself in the mirror, touching my lips.

"hah! i got the perfect lipstick shade i recently just bought." emma said she as pulled out a pinkish nude color lipstick out of her purse then gave it to me.

i applied the lipstick on my lips then i rubbed my lips together to blend it in more.

"alright! are we ready to go now" i smiled looking at emma.
"you bet"

to be continued 

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