friends. (25)

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i'm supposed to meet up with chifuyu today to catch up and ask how baji's doing due to the fact that baji's probably the closest to chifuyu out of all of everyone in toman but he bailed on me suddenly he said he forgot he had to do something so we never got to meet up. i'm still gonna go to the cafe we're supposed to meet up at though since i'm craving cheese cake and a little birdie told me they got the best cheese cakes in that cafe.

as i was making my way to the cafe, on the way there i spotted a familiar figure walking on the sidewalk alone and i knew right away who he was inui. i ran to him planning on scaring him because i was in a good mood. so i sneaked up on him but then i remembered what had happen during the festival so i stopped myself on time.
"INUI!" i shouted smiling.

he turned his whole body to look at me, he was wearing a black jacket and a white shirt beneath the jacket along with black baggy jeans with his regular boots. he has a good style..i wonder if he's a model?

"y/n." he said, "what are you doing here?"

"i was gonna go to the cafe nearby and i ran into you!" i said smiling.

"you seem like you're in a good mood today..",
"finally i thought you were depressed or something." he commented.

"shut up, what are you doing here by the way?" i asked tilting my head to the left.


so he's secretive..fair enough.

"hey my friend bailed on me-"

"of course they did." he smirked. dare he! that smirk seems like a "obviously who wouldn't" smirk. does he think i'm a weirdo or something??.

"i wasn't even finish! so do you wanna go to the cafe with me i don't wanna seem lonely heh!" i laughed.

"a date?"

"NO OF COURSE NOT! just a friend thing you know like a hanging out thing!" i defensively said.

"since when were we ever friends?"

"WHAT. i thought ever since that last conversation we had when we exchanged names we became friends.." i muttered looking down, kicking an invisible rock.

"well you never really asked so i assumed we just knew each other." he stated.

"well then! do you wanna be friends?"

"n-" before he could finish and answer me i quickly covered his mouth with my palms.

"no is not an option. from now on you're my friend inui!" i declared grinning.

"fine..where's the cafe?" he asked after i removed my hands.

"right over..THERE!" i pointed the direction of the cafe.

when we arrived at the pink and white barbie looking cafe, i was amazed by the smell of the freshly brewed coffee and the amazing vanilla creamy scent of the cakes.
i quickly dragged the annoyed grumpy looking inui into the cafe with me then pulled him to the cashier.

"hello! welcome to vanilla and cream cafe what could i get for you lovely couple today?" the cashier smiled.

"huh no we're not a couple." i awkwardly stated.

i then looked at inui to see what his reaction was but what did i expect, he just had a straight face.

"oh..i'm sorry my bad!" the cashier apologized.

"i'll get the vanilla latte with a regular cheese cake please!" i smiled, "what do you want inui?" i asked looking at him.

"just water." he blankly said.

"okay then! one vanilla latte and a cheese cake along with a cup of water. that'll be xxxxxx won. the water is free so we didn't charge you for that."

i hand the cashier the money i took out of my purse earlier to pay for my food. then i followed inui to an empty seat and sat down.

after a little while after the waiter brought us our drinks and cake. i have to admit the cake looked absolutely delicious, it looked like at masterpiece amazing. i quickly grabbed the fork that the waiter gave me and stuffed the cake in my cake.

"hey slow down." inui said.

"don't tell me what to do!!" i rolled my eyes with the cake still in my mouth. after i finished the cake i drank all the coffee in one sip.

"man you don't have any manners do you?" he scoffed.

"i- yes and no i'm hungry! are you judging me now!?" i glared at him.

"i couldn't care less y/n."

"so inui! do you even have friends?" i asked smiling.

"i should be asking you that, loner" he replied back.

"can you stop being so mean like what did i do?" i frowned.

"can you stop being so annoying?"

that's it, i've had enough.

i got up from my seat then walked towards the exit immediately. as i almost reached the exit someone grabbed my wrist turning me around. it was inui. he had an apologetic look on his face. he seemed sorry?

"i was joking y/n, i'm sorry maybe i took it a little bit too far.." he stated.

"hell yeah you did. it's okay. i guess. i forgive you don't worry, could you let go of my wrist now?"

"oh yeah my bad." he apologized again as he removed his grip from my wrist.

"i'm gonna go now..bye inui!" i waved at him.

"hey wait!"


"i want your number."

after he said that my heart just went completely crazy, i've never felt this way before but i could tell that my cheeks were burning up, my stomach feels like there's butterflies flying inside of it. what even is this feeling?
i feel nervous like i'm gonna fainted. i bet the whole cafe could hear the sound of my heart beating.

"umm yeah! it's xxxxxxxxx.."

"thank you."

with that i left the cafe immediately.
walking away from inui made me feel better, i'm not nervous anymore, my heart isn't beating like crazy. what even was that feeling?

to be continued.

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