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Author's pov

Jin's face had nothing. What was going on inside his mind? What does one say after hearing such news? The absolute silence in the apartment, not a single shuffle of feat, not a sob, not even a breath made a sound. The winds refused to ruffle any curtains, birds refused to chirp on their balcony, respecting the mournful atmosphere. There were close to fifteen people in the apartment, but all of them cried silent tears. Nobody had the time to process, they all had one opinion, someone had to tell Seokjin. Why? Because he was Taehyung's husband, his only love. 

'Where- where is Tae?' Jin whispered, not blinking. His eyes widening, reading his brother's face that fell apart with the first sob. 

'Jin-ah, don't do this-' Seokjoong sobbed, realising why he was silent for so long. Shock shrouded his thoughts, he was in denial. The clenching fists on his shirt said the news was delivered. But his mind was shutting down. 

'Hyung- Taehyung- was-in-the-car...' Namjoon wailed, making everyone in the room shudder with the new reality.  But amidst the tears, there was one voice that suddenly rang with a cackle. 

'Yah! What is this? Where-where is the camera?' Jin giggled, ringing eerily in the room of sobs. He shoved his brother's arms from his knees and then kicked Namjoon away from his legs, surprising him, if he was not already. 

'Jin-ah, stop it!' Seokjoong appealed, fear etched in his eyes instead of mournful tears now. He was scared of his brother's reaction, of all the scenarios running through his mind ever since he heard the news, this was not one of them. He didn't know what to do. In desperation, he caught hold of his ankle, partly to steady his wobbly standing attempt and partly to stop him.

'What is this, Hyung? Where are all the cameras?' Jin asked in an unrecognizable chuckle, blinking down at his older brother. When he didn't get any answer, he kicked his brother's hands and started walking away in unsteady steps, giggling like a lost child. Seokjoong didn't have the answer, or the strength to stop him. 

'Ya! Someone tell me what this is!? Where is the camera? Who is the director?' he scoffed and stumbled on the carpet. A set of arms wrapped around his torso to steady him. He turned with a grin to find Baek-shi. 'Where is he?' he whispered, mischief in his voice. Baek-shi simply blinked at his face, feeling the tears wetting his own cheeks. Jin shook his head and unhanded himself, taking the wall for support to stay away from all these crying faces. He laughed to himself, walking in anticipation, playing along with whatever prank his mischievous husband was playing.

'Where is the camera, Hyung? Is it outside? Where is Taehyung?' he asked Sejin, standing at the bedroom entrance. He wagged his eyebrows, teasing the man for siding with Taehyung on this. But Sejin stared at him, bewildered. He was the man with the most regret, having spoken with Taehyung last, informing him about the replacement junior manager. He didn't know how to face Jin, who had become the man he was today because of Taehyung, who else knew this better than Sejin? But PD-nim dragged him here. And now, Jin's words, his face, made him sob. 'I am sorry, Seokjin-shi, please forgive me.' he cried leaning back on the bedroom door. But Sejin's reaction agitated Jin, and his smile faltered. Silently he peeled the man off the door, and with great efforts and quite the force he shoved him away, that he buckled down like a rag doll, still begging for his forgiveness. Jin's father rushed to ensure he was not hurt only to see his devastated son leaving the room, dragging his right leg on left.

 'Ya Jungkookah!' the boy startled out of his mourning trance in the corridor, where he was squatting staring at the open main doorway.  'Where are you hiding him?' Jin questioned walking towards him oblivious to the fact that Jungkook was actually outside the apartment. But Jungkook jumped up to his feet in a panic to see him approaching. He was more so afraid of the look on his face, a grin plastered on. But with the narrow look, one could see the madness and fear in his eyes, the throbbing vein on his forehead, the fist-clenching his shirt, and the trembling hand on the wall dragging his weight. His grin was a misplaced element on his face. 

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