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Seokjoong's perspective

It was irritating. Taehyung was the annoying bug that would neither leave nor could he smack it. Jin didn't have to know, just one punch. He shook his head pushing the idea away, he has had enough troubles in this life.  Stubborn and dreamy as a child, chasing dreams, he was still the baby, whose smile brightened up the room. Challenging himself with the Idol life, dating Taehyung in a conservative society, his choices were never easy. Now the illness. Knowing Jin, he would scold him for his pity. His temples ached, sleepy in broad daylight. He could hardly catch any sleep worrying, why wasn't Jin waking up, what if? He dragged the next sip of his coffee.  Grateful to his wife, for being so supportive throughout. She was a Taehyung supporter as well and he hated that boy. Ever since Jin introduced him, every time Jin came home crying because.  He wanted to smash the brains out of this man. But he understood, just like his wife was for him, Taehyung was Jin's blindspot. All his life, he stayed two steps ahead, even with this illness. He shivered in the warm lounge. Jin had come home one evening, sat him down post-dinner and informed him of the illness. For the entire night, he thought it was a joke until his doctor explained it to him the next day. He had to be the grown-up, support him through the treatment plan and take care of their parents. He had fallen asleep on his wife's lap, sobbing for the unfairness he was bestowed with. The anticoagulation procedures were painful, yet Jin smiled through it. On worst days, his hands would grab at his sleeve,  the same crooked ones that would hide gummies for them to share.  

For Seokjoong, he was still the same boy that waited for him at the school bus stop with a stupid grin. Guilt choked on the coffee he was drinking. Assuming that the last few appointments were pointless. The doctor had informed him that the treatment was effective. Jin had returned back to the studio. But he wasn't prepared for that call and the events that followed after, he had not returned to Korea since that day. Late in the evening, his phone had buzzed several times.  Namjoon called him to check on Jin urgently, explaining their breakup. He had run, as fast as he could. He still remembered every single detail. His hand trembled on the mug, the scene vividly fresh. The stench of blood filled his senses as soon as he unlocked Jin's main door. Sprawled by the door, his body was leaning at a painful angle. Lifeless, hair and face matted in his own blood and mucus, he was not breathing. Seokjoong felt the dread return, what if Namjoon had not called him, what if he was a few minutes late, what if the nurses didn't find him yesterday? It was still a mystery to him. What had Jin heard that crashed his recovery so drastically? That he almost bled to death. It wasn't the breakup, he was strong. Either way, one thing was common, then and now. KIM TAEHYUNG. 

Fury coursed through his veins. Kim Taehyung deserved the discomfort, to sleep on a metal bench, freezing through the night, and using a public shower and washroom. It seemed like even if I release wild dogs on him, he wouldn't budge. How he wished he could make them suffer more. This was not enough to compensate for the month-long coma Jin was in. His smirk faded when Taehyung sat down across his table. The cheery greeting disgusted him, he dared to chit-chat while Jin struggled to live. His hand could break that pretty face. Nobody was here to protect him anyway. But he heard his name, in a foreign tongue and he turned to look.  Jin was awake. Finally!

His quick prayer was interrupted. Taehyung broke into a run as soon as the nurse finished. And he rushed after him. Jin cannot see him, he will not allow any triggers that add to his pain. But Taehyung had stopped, leaning against the door. His shoulders slumped as he sighed, leaning his forehead on the glass door. The place where he had drawn the line. This was until Jin woke up, and now the line would be drawn outside the hospital. He remembered Dr's words Hemorrhages can accelerate his rupture, deteriorating the functioning of his lungs. If continued, there will be a day when his lungs will suffocate him, be careful with who or what triggers them.  That's it! No more Taehyung in his life, now Jin has to focus only on recovery, once again and every time from scratch. But he doesn't have an option, he has to be healthy again, for himself, for his dreams, for me, for our parents, for his fans.  He clenched his fists so as to catch hold of his collar and drag him out, leaning in close to his ear 'Don't let him see you. Get out of here' he flinched. He had hoped Taehyung understood. But the boy turned to face him with the widest grin. The sudden hug startled him. 'I won't. He is awake!' he almost giggled. This time he didn't bother controlling. He pushed away those arms forcefully. Taehyung stumbled to his knees, but his smile never faltered. The eyes though had immense pain in them. But it didn't affect him, he had seen worse, every single day, in Jin's. 'You should go in, Hyung. He must be waiting' dusting his pants, he was back on his feet. One glance at the door and he turned on his heel. Walking down the corridor with a new spring in his steps.

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