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'A-ap-appa?' blood drained from his face. Even his lips were pale. Eyes widened, in disbelief. Almost afraid to blink, but scanning the faces of his parents. I felt elated and concerned, he was dangerously stupified. His hands trembled momentarily and finally, the papers were lost to gravity from his grip. But what scared me was Taehyung's quivering lips. Maybe this was a bad idea. 'Eomoni!' Jimin drew everyone's attention. Rushing forward to wrap his arms around Taehyung's mother, almost lifting her off her feet. I felt Jungkook poking me on my arm. He was concerned about Taehyung's stupor as well. When i did not react either. Jungkook left my side to pat Taehyung on his back, and thankfully his trance broke. He blinked, between me, his mother and avoided his father and then Jimin and Jungkook. 'Eomma-wh-what?' he stood up barely forming words. He was still in shock. Since when is he afraid of his own father? What had transpired between the two, that he was avoiding eye contact?! 

'We heard our son is getting married, we came to give you away!' his mother chirped. I bit my lip to muffle my giggles. Because Taehyung's face flinched. Ever since we came in, he had not even looked at me. Afraid of the situation. But i already knew what must have happened. Yet i wanted to see him surprised. His eyes finally met his father's. And a deep frown arched on his forehead 'Who-?'

'Jin!' she suddenly turned to embrace me 'Seokjin called us. Insisted on our attendance.' She beamed at me through crescent-shaped slits. He has his mother's eyes.

'But- how did you-?' his forehead creased in a deep frown. Finally, his gaze met mine, and i realised why i had done this. To see you happy, Taehyung-ah. He was so confused. I wanted to surprise you, baby. And i have successfully. 

'Did you really think I wouldn't know?' i didn't mean to laugh, but his expression did not let me hide it anymore. 'Taehyung-ah! Your lie was just like you! Half-baked!' Taehyung's eyes danced from mine to Jungkook, giggling uncontrollably beside him. But he froze again. I swear his eyes would have popped out, the moment his father's chuckle resonated with our laugh 'I agree, Seokjin-ah. Taehyung himself is a half-baked potato!' Uncle's words made me laugh harder. Only to end it in a fit of coughs. His mother tried soothing me. But i had to raise my hand to stop the three sets of feet and one very disturbed face ready to charge at me. Regardless, Jungkook came to stand by my side. And Taehyung took a defensive stance. Colour returned to his cheeks, only to grow darker in his eyes. He eyed his father top to down, who did not even flinch at my outburst. I can see how it can be misunderstood. 

 'Why are you here?' he practically hissed. I had to intervene. Their bond was precious, Taehyung was his father's best friend. But now Aboji's expression was stoic, refusing to respond or acknowledge the disrespect. They are both so stubborn, it is exhausting! 

'Aboji, your son wants to know why you are here?' he offered me a stiff smile. Understanding very well what i meant. Taehyung was growing impatient, his hands were trembling in a fist. His father took his own sweet time.

'I am here for the wedding, of course he looked at me while responding, and not his own son. It pained me to see them hurt each other. Taehyung was watching his father like a hawk. 

'Did you change your mind?' he spat again. I could scold him for this mannerless talking. But there was another pressing issue at hand. This time his father delayed responding, buttoning up his jacket, his hands shoved in his pockets. Gaze drifting away in the room, landing on the piles of papers. Details of flower arrangements, lighting, banners and table seating decorations were scattered about the room. And then it finally landed on me 'I had to' lips drawing a small smile. Fondness in his eyes. 'Someone reminded me how precious love is.'  I felt warmth resonate in my heart to see his eyes sparkling. 'I will be eternally grateful, Aboji' i nodded back at him. Unable to help my grin. It was enlightening to have found a new connection with Taehyung's father. But Taehyung still seemed even more surprised now. 

Incomplete loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن