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'Yoongi-ah! Where are you?!' Jin didn't sound so good, not his usual greeting.

'Hyung? I am still at the studio. What happened?' he was curious, stunned even, Jin Hyung never called him. Their communication was restricted to texts and meetings.

'Don't work so hard, Yoongi-ah, get some sleep, it's midnight already!' his chuckle was forced, Suga was so sure that something wasn't right.

'Don't worry. I will sleep here tonight' he pushed back from the table, concentrating on Jin's uneven breathing 'Jin Hyung, did something happen?' he waited for an answer.

'I need a favour' another pause, concern etched his thoughts now.'Yoongi-ah...'

'Tell me.' another sigh, this time the pause lasted longer 'Hyung?'

'Look after Taehyung, will you?' leaning back into the chair, his forehead knit with so many questions.

'What do you mean?' he shut his eyes wondering what on earth his brother was talking about, what does he mean? Why would I take care of him? They can take care of each other, there were times when Jin would come back to the dorm room complaining about their relationship and sometimes blushing by himself before bed and the number of times he had to camp on the sofa because they would make him cringe!

'Tae...he ...' he paused again to draw a shaky breath 'he fought...' unable to complete the sentence, but could hear the unsteady breathing, Yoongi was on his feet in a flash 'we broke up' he was sure he heard a whimper between words, Tae will dump me, we had a huge fight, i am breaking up with Tae, we decided to take a break, the number of times he had heard these words for they are a strange couple that fights every quarter but this time... there was a pain in his words, the heartbreaking chuckle that followed made it real, now making him wonder in shock what caused them to end it all 'Hyung... how are you?' his hand paused on the doorknob dreading the answer, 'where are you?' wanting to confront the situation instead of contemplating it. Already rushing down the corridor, he slowed down when there was no reply but a hiss.

'Don't worry, uh, I am home...' another unsteady breath, he must be a mess, alone and heartbroken, regretful, overthinking,  Jin had the tendency to isolate himself when hurt 'Namjoon is with me' answering his concern 'Yoongi-ah, promise me you will take care of him?'

He didn't know how to respond, all he ever knew was to protect his Jin Hyung.  How would he tend to someone who hurt him? Why was Jin even asking him to do this? But he was waiting for an answer and unable to deny his brother in his hour of need, he reconsidered his next words 'I called Jimin as well' once again an answer was supplied for his disputed mind 'Please help him take care of Tae, I can trust you, right?' the older brother that never asked of them anything, always took blows of the society like a shield, bowing in modesty to everyone was now begging for us to take care of the same man who broke his heart, took away his paradise, he didn't know why or how, but he trusted Jin's practicality, rage bubbled through his mind in Jin's stead, he should be angry and mad at him, not beg someone to take care of him 'Yoongi-ah?' but his pained voice between sobs broke his trance.

'Yes. Promise, Hyung. You take care.' half-hearted, he agreed, yet still contemplating his plan of action when the car pulled up in Jin's garage and he spotted Jimin rushing towards the elevator, Jimin's explanation of their story made his blood boil in pure fury, genuinely doubting the promise he was committed to, absolutely assured of parts missing in the story, what was Namjoon and Jin hiding?

'WHY! WHY DID YOU DO THIS, Kim Seokjin?! Why did you break my heart? I have loved you sincerely and Jin.. broke my heart... WHY DID YOU CHEAT ON ME!' Taehyung wobbled and blasted fists at the door again, dissatisfied, he kicked it. He was a mess, jacket on one sleeve with shirt half-open, hair disheveled, and face flushed yet those dark patches visible under his eyes from constant tear stains. 'I HATE YOU, KIM SEOKJIN! YOU KILLED ME! Asshole! Fucker!' he screamed, sliding down to his knees. 

'You disgust me!' he growled, scaring the guards around him that tried to pick him up. He shoved them with a kick. 'Why did you do this, Jin-ah?!' he wailed, swinging his arms at the door. 'We could have talked! Why did you LIE TO ME? AGH!' he screamed.  

'You ruined my life! You tarnished our memories! You broke us! You did it all! YOU! I want you to disappear! Go away!' he punched at the door, unbothered by the bruises on his knuckles.  Jimin rushed out of the elevator and pulled him away from the door into his arms. Taehyung squirmed and finally focussed on who it was. There was no more barrier to his tears. He screamed in bloody agony piercing through Jimin's heart. 'Jimin-ah! JIN BETRAYED ME! HE LIED TO ME! I am a FOOL!  It hurts so much!' he wailed and Jimin continued to rock him, crying along. He didn't know the whole story, nobody there did. But Taehyung's pain brought tears to those gathered there. The guards panicked when a couple of residents started recording the moment. Suga stepped in and dragged Taehyung with him to the elevator.  'LET ME GO! I HATE YOU Kim Seokjin! You DESTROYED me! CHEATER! ASSHOLE! I want you to DIE!'

Taehyung was already asleep when they reached his apartment. Hoseok had multiple questions in his sleepy eyes, but Suga didn't have any answers for him.  He was startled to see the drunk mess Taehyung was, but showed the guards their guest room, and made sure the bed was comfortable. He shared a knowing look with Jimin who crawled into the bed beside Taehyung to soothe him back to sleep before joining his partner in the living room. Suga was thanking the guards when Hoseok found him, the stiffness in his shoulders gave away his stress. He had just hugged the man when Suga's phone beeped.

'Taehyung and Jin mess.' Namjoon's text. Suga paled when his phone vibrated again. 'I just reached home.' If Namjoon is at home, then who is with Jin Hyung?...he rushed out of the apartment followed by Hoseok. 

'Get dressed' the loud of the door bang brought him back from the nightmare yesterday was, awake for the last hour, his mind did not have the energy to face the day or anyone, he wanted to hide away in his pillow.  The pain in his arms and legs woke him up from deep slumber, but the migraine that started after had him wincing in pain.  It was Suga, now receding from the door after a bottle of hangover drink came flying to the bed and light came into the room through the blinds Jimin just opened, despite the aching limbs, he felt sorry for the man, for witnessing his worst state. With great difficulty he got out of bed, with Jimin repeating how late they were, the throbbing in his skull was returning in ten folds. An unintended yet fleeting glimpse of himself in the mirror left him gasping for air, every other pain blurred out as the one in his chest tore through his entire body, it's over, Jin doesn't love you, never did, and never will again, he is not yours anymore his fingers grasped at Jimin's coat for something to hold onto as his knees gave out and he sobbed bitterly.  There is no future, no Jin, no love, no joy, only hate, emptiness filled his entire being, how does one stop loving someone?

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