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Taehyung was surprised by Jin's actions, all of a sudden he was enveloped in a bear hug. Jin's eyes twinkled, and smile flourished on the plump lips. But Taehyung couldn't return the gesture, he stood there like a pillar.

'I hope everything is well in your paradise' PD-nim asked fondly noticing Jin beaming at him and the latter's response left him stunned 'our paradise is perfect, PD-nim!' when moments ago he saw Jin glare at him for disturbing a closed-door meeting, with Namjoon.

Assembling back in the rehearsal room, they were training for a new song. Unlike their usual days, when they could slack off rehearsals after five to six hours, they would have to dedicate nine to ten hours starting today with Sungdeuk-shi in the room, pointing to missed steps, beats, and wrong direction, mostly for Jin. In the morning, felt terribly bad every time the beat stopped and Jin's name echoed in both his and Jhope's voices and Jin's face fell, growing paler every minute. Now after their break, Taehyung felt more disconnected to sympathize with Jin, since he returned arms in arms with Namjoon. Taehyung least expected it from himself, but he was burning in rage. So when Jin tripped over Suga during the hook step, Taehyung didn't flinch. He stood his ground at the corner of the room while Suga stood up quickly and kneeled to check on Jin. He lay on the floor as the other came to check on him as well. But he couldn't move, especially when he noticed Jin smile and then laugh along with Namjoon.

After the rehearsal, the manager came to inform him that Jin had left with Namjoon. There was no communication with him. He stomped around the apartment and then lay down on the couch waiting for anything from Jin. 'Staying over at my parents.' his phone lit up with Jin's name. One more day ruined. 

He decided to take charge of things, especially when the staff and other members eyed him whenever Jin walked arms in his arms or held Namjoon's hand around the company. Their eyes had questioning looks in them. Were they falling apart

As soon as the break was announced, he grabbed Jin by the wrist in front of the elevator and was dragging him to the locker. The latter protested and tried to let himself loose, but Taehyung was possessed, despite the pair of startled eyes that followed them. The moment he locked the door, Taehyung held him by the jaw and pinned him to the wall, crashing his lips against the plump sweet ones. Jin calmed down to taste Taehyung some more, enjoying the moment until his eyes flew open. Taehyung's hands were unbuckling his pants. He squirmed against his hold and tried to get out of his grip. But Taehyung locked his legs in his own and pressed him harder against the wall. Jin pulled out of the kiss only to have him bite into his lower lip. 

'Aaah, Taehyung!'Jin hissed, shoving him a little harder by the shoulder. But Taehyung's eyes shifted down to where his pants had fallen and licked his lips in anticipation. Before Jin could move, Taehyung charged at him once again, pinning his hands against the wall in a grip that would bruise him. 'Not here!' Jin growled at him, fighting against his hold as Taehyung was grinding against his hips while sucking at a spot on his neck. 

'I want to.' Tahyung mewled against his skin, his lips traveling to collar bone.

'Stop it Taehyung! stop behaving like a horny teenager' Jin used all of his force to push him back again, pulling his pants back up in a flash. Taehyung grabbed his wrist again, sliding his onw hand under the sweatshirt, something felt odd against his usual smooth skin. 

'Why not?! It's been too long! I have missed fucking you' Taehyung drawled against his ear, nibbling on the soft spot. 

'Language! We are in public!' Jin hissed at him, shoving at him so hard, Taehyung hit the rack. This sparked something in his head, his fists tightened and he stared straight at Jin. 'Why not?! Is it because of Namjoon?!'

'SHUT UP, Kim Taehyung!'Jin growled again, his eyes wide as discs. 'You are doing it again! I cannot-' he lingered for a moment and slammed the door on his way out. Taehyung stood there, seething, alone.  

Despite the multiple calls and texts, he didn't feel like returning to Jin that day, instead, he finished the wine bottle he got for Jimin and crashed on his couch complaining of his sorrows and Jimin accused him of creating them in his head. He was terribly hungover the next day, this is why they wouldn't let them drink on rehearsal days, he kept zoning out while Jhope was talking, and somehow the more water he drank, it kept getting replenished, making him drink some more and feel better. The urge to tear the room apart still bubbled at the sight of Jin and Namjoon mumbling in a corner, Jin had only asked him his whereabouts the moment they set eyes on each other, people around them were used to them being professional during shoots, and rehearsals but this all-new level of disconnect. He failed to feel bad for Jin who fell for every spin and jump, growing paler by the minute and clutching his midriff to wince after every jump. When he finally fell so hard that he couldn't sit up, Taehyung sat by his side, but it was Namjoon's arm that he leaned into sitting back up, agitating him further that he sulked in a corner while Jungkook and Namjoon comforted the fallen. But then Sungdeuk-shi canceled the shoot after a brief meeting with PD-nim.

Wondering the whole ride home, what they were talking about in the conference room, Jin and Namjoon looked guilty while Sungdeuk-shi was clearly angry. He had voiced his doubt to Jhope and Jungkook as well when they went out for lunch after an early end to the day. Now he felt worried for the older, his soft mumbles in their home, where just the two of them lived, slept together, and cooked together, and felt like music to his ears. The music had to dissipate into the void when his worst nightmare came to life,

'Namjoon-ah, come quickly' 

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