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Taehyung P.O.V

I smiled to myself, exhausted, my eyes shutting as I rolled over to my side of the bed. My insatiable boyfriend will be the death of me. I sighed heavily and was dozing off. Deep in my sleep, I could feel Jin's hands clawing at my bare back, and shaking my arm. 'Tomorrow' I mumbled to him a doze off again, assuming he wanted more sex. But I was beyond exhaustion, unable to even roll over. Fuck, three rounds should exhaust him as well!  

But just as my senses numbed down and the persistent hands were gone, I heard some gagging noise. Is this the hyper-realistic dream? Oh, dear mind, just let me sleep, I don't have the energy... but the coughing grew harsher. And sounded very familiar. And then I realised, he was gone! 

I was up in a flash and searching for the source of the sound. 'JIN?!' I called out urgently in the silent room. No response. Getting out of bed, I stumbled on the carpet in the darkness and cursed, still groggy. The moment I switched them on, light poured into the room suddenly flashing my stark naked reflection in the window. But the gagging grew harsher, grabbing my attention.

'Jin?! What happened?!' I called out, anxiety crawling in. He was fine minutes ago, what happened?! Was it minutes ago? I checked the watch, it was ten minutes to two.. that means, ten minutes... shit! I hopped towards the washroom, still pulling on the pants I found on the floor. 

'Jin! Are you alright?!' I yelled. No response, but just more gagging, causing panic in my sleepy self. Instinctively, I turned the doorknob to check on him. 'Baby..' I cooed, half-afraid of what to expect and half-pained by his breathless gasps. The door shut back as soon as I cracked it open. And latched it forcefully. Whatever sleep was lingering in my brain, shook out of it. What the actual fuck!  I was stunned. 'NO!' Jin's voice croaked, it was barely audible.

 'I am fine. Go- ba-ck to sl-eep.' he said, barely forming words, let alone sentences. What the actual fuck, Jin?! We were just fucking moments ago! What does he take me for?! He expects me to go back to sleep while he is in pain here?! How messed up is that?! And as if that was not enough to wreck my brain, he startled me some more. 'I-m- sorry.' A cold chill ran down my spine. Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt him during sex... I replayed every moment, trying to remember if I did something to hurt him. His gagging cut my trail of thoughts.'Baby, let me just see you, please.' I pled, I swear I will cry if I did this to you, Stupid, Idiot Taehyung, what did you do to him? Did you lose your mind? Are you a savage?! Is this why he was clawing at me? Because he was in pain? Fucking shit, Taehyung, what kind of a monster are you?! I tried the door again, tears blurring my thoughts, his coughing piercing my heart now. 'Baby, please.' I begged.

'It-not- pre-tty sigh-t' he croaked, panting. The door felt heavy, Jin was either leaning or sitting by it.

'I don't care, baby. Let me just see you, please! I am sorry, I should have woken up earlier!' I yelled again, my mind cursing every spirit in me. We have been dating for so long for fuck's sake! In all these years, despite having lived with him, I have never seen him pee or vomit! It's not me! It's him! He has strict boundaries in the bathroom. Stupid Idiot Jin! Fucking Idiot Taehyung! But this was a first, him falling sick right after sex. I mean, we have done crazy shit, but he would always tell me either during or right after. But this was making me full-blown panic. Was he throwing up, was he choking, did I break him...' Baby, what the fuck is happening?!' I yelled again, nervous with the way he gagged on his cough, I could hear him gasping for air. Enough of this shit. I don't care who finds outHe is in pain, just focus on the solution, Taehyung.  I wiped my tears and rushed back to bed. The phone rang for two seconds before my call was answered. 

'Jin-ah, Dr Park is coming in twenty minutes...'

'WHAT? WHY!?' he gasped, making him cough some more, breathlessly. Taehyung tried the doorknob again, fearful of what was happening to him. What the fuck is this Jin? You are killing me here...

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