Dia looks over and he can see the way Henry looked at them. He had humour in his eyes. But behind him the other boy also emerged and in his eyes Dia remembers only hate.

"They cornered us here." Dia says pointing at where the fence should be. "You scratched him."
Toris nails rip a small gash in the boys neck and a line of blood spills onto the edge of the court and splatters all over  the fence.
Dia looks down at where the blood would be but all he finds is a chunk of the courts floor missing as if someone came and broke the piece off.

"They got rid of it and the fence because it had evidence on it." Tori says next to him.

"They made you kneel over there and put the gun in your hands." Dia says turning around.
Dia watches with tears burning his eyes as Tori holds the gun in her hands. Her bracelet jingles as her hands tremble. The other boy leans next to her and wispers for her to shoot. The gun goes off the bullet aimed at nothing.

"Good." The boy says and waves Henry over.

Henry puts his fingers against Toris mouth a pill in his hand.

"Open." He says.

Slowly Tori opens her mouth and he watches her swallow the pill. He then walks over to Dia and does the same.

"Open" he says.
"They made us swallow the acid so the autopsy would say were high." Dia says.

He can see Tori on her knees with the gun in her mouth.

"Then they made you kill yourself."
Henry pushes Dia to his feet close enough to Tori to see the fear that's eating away at her. Her hands shake as she puts the gun in her mouth. Henry smiles and looks up the other boy.

"Okay we can go now." He says walking towards him.

The other boy grabs Henrys arm stopping him in his tracks.

"It's not over yet." He says coldly.

Henrys smile dies as he realises how serious the boy is being.

"It's over they're afraid. We can go now they won't say anything." He says.

The boy pushes Henry back towards Dia who's still on his knees his teary eyes looking at Tori. The two of them nod at one other as if to try and convince each other and themselves that it will be okay.
Dia gets on his knees the same way he was that night and looks over as Tori materializes on her knees across from him the gun in her mouth dressed in the same pink outfit.
"Do it Tori. End it all right now. No more suffering,no more bad days....just peace,silence. If you do it I'll let Dia go and I won't report your father." The other boy wispers in Toris ear.

Dia tries to tell her not to do it but he's throat is too dry to speak. Tori looks him in the eye and Dia knows that she plans on doing it. He finds his voice a painful sensation taring through his throat as he speaks.


Despite his pleading Tori smiles faintly and pulls the trigger. A terrible sound rocks the air and her blood splatters on Dias face. He cries out like an animal grief gripping his heart. But just as Tori is about to fall over the other boy lifts another gun aiming it at Dias head and fires.
After that Dia remembers nothing, but just as he gets to his feet Andrew steps onto the court and Dia remembers his face perfectly.

"Hey, you said you wanted to meet up?" Andrew says.

Dias entire body goes cold as he realises.

"It was you." He says.

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