fifteen | a amorous proposition

Start from the beginning

"Mm.. that's alot of woman there. I wouldn't mind taking her to bed, she smell good, look good, and that's a home grown natural ass too?" Anthony voiced excitedly as his hands raked aimlessly through his beard.

"That's cornbread fed for sure, Tremaine you telling me you ain't hittin' that?" James commented laughing.

"No," He voiced flatly. "That's my employee, I don't mix business with pleasure. That's how people fuck up a good thing. Now, as I said, I'll have Stevie draw up the contract. I'll give you all two to three days to discuss it, and then we'll meet again and finalize everything. Good day, gentleman, the elevators are to the right, stop by the security desk downstairs? He'll validate your parking,"

"See ya," Both James and Anthony nodded with a quick salute. As they turned in the direction Tremaine explained thee elevators were.

Tremaine tucked his hands in his dress pants pockets, and made his way back to his office. But upon entering, he paused for a moment. Spinning on his heels, he made his way down the hallway towards Stevie's office.

Pulling his hand from his pocket, he used his knuckles to tap on her cracked door. "Hey.." He pushed the door open wider to peek inside. "When you get a minute could you come to my office?" He inquired.

"Sure... Everything okay? Wait did I forget something?" Stevie sighed as she rested her hands on the keyboard.

Tremaine shook his head. "Oh no, no everything's fine.. It's just.. I eh, well--" He stalled as he rambled awfully over his words.

"Ya'know what don't worry about it, it's nothing just finish doing whatever," Tremaine fanned his hand and turned away from her to exit her office.

"You sure if you need something you can ask me, I don't mind helping, ah! Look at being nice and cordial! Go, Stevie!" She clapped lightly as she laughed.

Tremaine stopped in the door frame of Stevie's office. "Ms. Calhoun... Follow me," Tremaine announced over his shoulder as he lifted his hand motioning her along.

The same speedy typing could be heard, but suddenly it stopped. "Huh? Oh okay," Sliding back in her seat she stood up and moved around her desk.

"C'mon," He began to lead the way.

"Coming," She voiced calmly as she straightened a wrinkle out in her skirt. Adjusting her waistband. She lifted her back, and firmly positioned her shoulders, in order to fixed her posture as she strutted behind Tremaine.

"Hurry up, Ms. Calhoun," He demanded.

"These are heels, not sneakers, I walking as fast as I can, pal!" She fussed jokingly as she picked up her pace. "So what's going on what's the urgency?" She questioned catching up to him as she joined his side.

Tremaine took a moment to glance over at her, immediately averting his eyes back to the front. "There's no urgency," Reaching his office he stepped aside allowing Stevie to enter first. "Go head,"

Stevie stepped into his office. Crossing her arms at her breasts, she stood rocking lightly on her heels awaiting Tremaine to explain to her what exactly was going on. "So?" She stalled rolling her eyes.

Tremaine stepped into his office behind her. Shutting the door behind himself, he rested his back against it. "Have a seat, Stevie," He nodded towards the empty chair.

"Ok..ay," She furrowed her brows as she moved to take a seat. "So--"

He lifted his back from the door. Interrupting her he moved up a few steps behind her. "-- So I see you do take orders well,"

"Cuse'me?" Stevie turned in her seat to look at Tremaine.

"We're both attractive adults, who I'm sure have unmet needs, who's both great with handling business, so, look, I have a proposition for you," Tremaine moved around to take a seat at his desk.

"For me?" Stevie asked crossing her legs.

"Yeah, so.. I've been thinking since last weekend bout' our conversation, the whole.. Kinks, dom/sub shit? And well listen --" He rested his elbows on his desk, staring over at Stevie's puzzled expression.

Stevie laughed palming her chest. "Oh.. That, shit, I thought I was getting fired for breaking... So what about it? Because whatever I said that night was due to the alcohol, so I apologize,"

Tremaine nodded understandingly. "So ... How would you feel if I said I'd like to form some sort of agreement, a, strict benefits situation. And I'm quite sure we could help one another out, if, you're comfortable with it,"

Stevie raised an eyebrow. "Agreement? Wha.. What do you mean? Wait, are you talking about sex? Us having sex?" She inquired a tad shocked by his words.

"Yes," He shrugged nonchalantly. "But on a business deal type of situation. I'll write a contract if I have to,"

Stevie started laughing. "Wait.. Like on some fifty shades of grey type shit? Am I being pranked?" Her hearty laughter filled his office.

"Hmm--" Tremaine cleared his throat as he rested back in his chair, folding his hands under his chin.

"Whew that was good, Tremaine, can't lie you had me in the beginning. A proposition? Whew that's funny! Let me go finish typing up this contact, if you need anything let me know," Stevie held her stomach laughing as she rose from her seat.

Tremaine stared at Stevie under his glasses. "Stevie, sit yo' ass down, we not done talking," His tone deepened. "Now--" He ordered.

Stevie slowly lowered her butt back into the seat, as her lips gradually pull into a impressed smile. Crossing her legs she adjusted her the length of her skirt. "Well then..."

"Yeah.. You willing to hear me out now?" Tremaine asked with a slight side smile.

"I'm listening..." She sat forward smiling as she rested her arms on Tremaine's desk.


Update 😫 ...

Y'all.... are we liking the current flow? Because don't want to push things too fast! 😂

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