Dawn of the sixteenth: Part 1

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When sun rose that morning, they knew not all of them would see it set.

Pogtopia was loud with anxious chatter and the clanging of metal, several citizens of Manberg had joined the rebellion since last night, showing up one after the other, all claiming they would fight for their country back.

Technoblade and Nessa agreed, it was sad how many people were willing to die for a country that would forget their existence, come a few years.

Sitting in her room Nessa was getting ready, painting on her traditional war paint and intricately plaiting her hair, she knew the paint and hair was pointless as it would be covered, but she didn't care.

She was proud of her culture, the gods they worshipped and the creatures they feared, she was proud.

But today she would hide, for her advantage to work, she had to be uncultured and merciless.

She had to be The Grim Reaper.


"Friends!" Wilbur called out, his voice carrying across the crowd below him, familiar faces and ones he had never seen before turned towards him, one by one.

"Today we fight! Today we end the reign of a tyrant! Today we reclaim our land! Today we finish a symphony" Wilbur shouted, his voice manipulating hundreds of civilians, turned soldiers.

Words were a powerful weapon, and when used by a master, they could do both horrible and wonderful things. Words started wars and had the power to end them, words could be beautiful sonnets and letters to loved ones, but had the ability to break hearts.

Words... Such a small, yet powerful things.

Today Wilbur's words would lead several to their deaths, some at his own hand.

"I have something I want to show everyone" Techno spoke from his place behind Wilbur.

With that everyone followed the blood god to an underground base, hidden under a nearby lake.

Nessa comforted Tommy and Tubbo as their breathing became irregular, obviously remembering being betrayed and killed in similar circumstances, during L'manberg's war for independence.

Opening a hatch Techno lead the warriors to a large room with diamond armour lining the walls, he directed the lower ranked soldiers towards the lower class armour, taking Nessa, Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, Niki, Quackity and Fundy (who had all been placed incharge of different attack squadrons) to a separate room housing enchanted netherite armour.

That all started equipping the rare armour, (except Wilbur, who adamantly refused to wear the protective gear) Nessa helping Tubbo and Tommy strap on the pieces they were less familiar with.

Digging through the more powerful chests Techno had reserved for them, they armed themselves with different potions and weapons, both Wilbur and Nessa having to convince Tubbo, that the 76 emeralds he had picked up were not necessary for battle.

After the squadron leaders checked their respective soldiers were securely strapped into their armour, they began the trek towards Manberg, the morning sun illuminating their backs as they walked.

"Hey, guys" Tommy called over to his friends "If we all said humina, humina, humina, it would sound funny"

This, of course, caused most of the soldiers and captains to repeat the phrase over and over again, finding the noise they caused hilarious.

"That's it, everyone give me back my stuff, you don't deserve it" Techno said, his joking tone making everyone around him laugh.

His stomach couldn't help flipping, when he heard Nessa laughing loudly with Tubbo.

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