💙 gross/weird thing you guys do 💙

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{ of course,as y'all should know,with dating tyler,comes some weird stuff.

{ first of all,you guys do share chapstick.

{ it's a thing with you guys. I don't know why. But y'all just share chapstick a lot.

{ tyler doesn't like to peppermint kind tho,he likes the sweet once. (Take notes)

{ you guys also don't care to drink off each other.

{ but if Tyler doesn't wanna share,he'll lick all over the top of the cup or straw. So be careful with the drinks.

{ he has licked your face as some point.

{ one time,tyler tried to bite you,and your hair got stuck in his braces.

{ tyler has also tried to drip the sweat off his sweatband into your mouth,and his.

{ he takes off his socks that he's been wearing all day,and puts it over your mouth and yells, "GAS MASK!"

{ you guys have also shared gum with him before. Multiple times. Concerning.

{ one time,while you wear baking a cake,tyler cut off a small bit of your hair and threw it into the cake mix. You sadly had to start all over.

{ you guys do the spit handshake thing. (Where you both spit on your hand and do a handshake)

{ you guys for some reason spit ice and other stuff at each other all the time.

{ so yeah,hope your up for some weird things that come along with Tyler. 😂

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