Trading jackets 💙 tyler x Chubby!reader 💙

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💙 hey guys! I was so happy when someone requested this,because on on he bigger side myself! (I don't call it fat,I call it big boned) but I am tall. Im 5'9. and I just want everyone to know,that your all beautiful no matter how you look! Everyone's unique and I love you all! If we all looked the same the world would be boring. So be who you are,love it,and Embrace it. <3
(If you need any advice,please tell me in the comments and I'll answer as best as I can 💙

Requested by: mystieepinkiee

It was a very cold morning,the 3rd of December. I had missed my alarms for school and their for missed the bus! (Public school kids are the bus everyday right?)

I jumped out of bed racing for the door! I ran out the door and ran after the bus. I brushed out my hair with my fingers and tried to catch my breath.

Since I was a little bigger,I couldn't keep my breath. I ran out of breath quickly and watched the bus turn a corner. I sighed and walked the rest of the way.

I didn't have time to put on my jacket or change clothes really. I was freezing but luckily,my school wasn't far away.

I walked into school and I was relieved by the warmth of the school.

I walked into class and sat down in my seat next to tyler. "Hey (N/n)." Tyler said. "Hey Ty." I replied. He took a better look at me.

"Woah! You look like death! Did you miss the bus again or somthin?" He asked me. I nodded and yawned.

I rubbed my eyes and I could barely stay awake. I was freezing and my nose was running.

I tried to warm myself up as best I could with what I had on. I was wearing a short sleeved shirt,and pajama pants.

Tyler's P.O.V

(Y/n) looks very tired. I could tell she didn't sleep good.

I knew she wasn't a morning person,and she her nose was red. She looked like she had just woken up from a year long sleep.

I mean,I guess not everyone can wake up looking at good as me.

But,then again,I feel terrible,considering the fact,that,I've liked her since kindergarten. I have to do something.

End of Tyler's P.O.V

Luckily that day,tyler had on one of his bigger jackets that his grandma got him. It was 3 sizes to big for him,but it sure kept you warm.

He decided it would be best to give it up to me.

time skip

It was the end of the day and I had to walk home. My mom was over at my grandpants house helping my grandpa,and my dad was off on a business trip. So I had no ride home.

I started my way,sniffing and shivering. "Hey! Hey (y/n)!" I heard some yell my name. I turned around to see tyler.

"Hey tyler." I said with a sniff. "Here,take this. It'll be better then walking in below degree weather right?" He asked as he handed me his big jacket.

"It's for me?" I asked. He nodded. I put it on,the perfect fit! "Well,thank you tyler!" I said. "Yeah,no problem. It was to big for me,but I knew it would fit you." He said. I smiled at him. "Well thank you." I said.

"Hey,mind if I walk with you? You look like you could use a real man to walk you home." He said with a smile. "Oh sure. Whatever you say looser." I told him.

"Come on,we both know I'm smokin hot and more muscular then you'll ever be." He said while laughing. "I'll believe it When I see it." I told him.

"You're lookin at it." He said and smile,the light reflecting off his braces. "WHAT-ever." I said again.

We soon made it to my house and I opened the door,I almost forgot to give him his jacket. "Oh! Here's your jacket back." I said as I started taking it off.

"Nah,you keep it. It fits your body better then it fits mine." He said. "Ha,thanks tyler." I said with a smile. "No problem,see ya tomorrow (n/n)." He said giving me a fist bump and a wink.

After getting his jacket,I totally fell for him,I was happy that he was one of my closest friends,and that I now had his jacket.

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