She couldn't know why Sho wanted her to be there, but she was certain it couldn't be for anything good. She sighed, already feeling a disaster looming in the distance. Finally, she got inside her place and started to get ready for a dinner she felt less and less excited to go as time passed. But time is unforgiving, and without having even a chance to sit and rest, (Y/n) found herself sitting at a table with four other people. 

To her right, she had her dear sister, and to her left, her father. It kind of felt as if she wasn't sitting between them but rather trapped by them. And tension around her was the chains that bound her to her spot. Then, in front of her, she had the elder Tachi, the father of the family, and lastly, the son: Sho. 

He had aged properly, but he had the same childish and malicious features. And if he truly was the one to request her presence, he made absolutely no sign of it. In fact, he didn't even talk to her when they all met outside the restaurant. 'Luckily,' (Y/n) thought. Instead, all he did, was show her that thin sly smirk of his. 

"I heard you've become a very outstanding jonin," the elder Tachi praised Alyss, but (Y/n) couldn't help but repress a small smile. Something that became more difficult when she felt how Alyss tried to mask her annoyance. 

After all, she would have preferred to be an Anbu, but there she was. (Y/n) continued to pay no attention to the conversation that seemed to be starting to be set around praising her sister. Instead, she found her nails and the skin surrounding them more interesting. 

"Isn't that remarkable on a woman, Sho?" his father asked him. The boy shrugged.

"Aren't there many jonins out there?" he asked, irking Alyss further. (Y/N)'s smirk became more difficult to hide. 

"But not so young like her!" his father quickly retorted, bothered by his son's answer. But he sighed when he realized Sho didn't quite care about Alyss "And what is that you do, (Y/n)?" Suddenly, all eyes were set on her. And unused as she was to the attention, she would have definitely preferred for the conversation to continue being surrounded around someone else. 

"Uh," she began, unsure as to how to describe her job as one of Kurva's girls "I've been working around," she just said, sounding uninterested. 

"By around she means a bar and a flower shop," Alyss muffled a tiny laugh as she drank from her beer. Sho repressed a chuckle as well while both fathers sighed. 

"I-is that it?" the Tachi elder asked, not wanting to sound disrespectful even though disappointment was clearly seen on his face. (Y/n) bit the inside of her cheek and nodded.

"Don't worry," her sister talked again "she's already used to disappointment" again, Sho failed to repress a grin. (Y/n)'s father cleared her throat.

"And what is that Sho does?" he was the one to ask. Just then, the menus were brought by a young waitress. 

"I'm the second in charge of our business in the construction industry," Sho said with a proud air. (Y/n) blinked twice, uninterested.

"But he will be taking the lead in two years when he is 20," his father added, proud as well. 

"Construction industry means we mostly build bridges, paths, and especially zones affected by wars," Sho added while looking at (Y/n).

"I know what construction means," she answered, looking at him with disdain. Her annoyance made his smile turn into a smirk.

"You've never been too smart," he shrugged his shoulders.

"She still isn't," Alyss added "After all she has been fired from two jobs in record time," (Y/n) was about to retort and say she was not fired. But she was stopped when almost everyone at the table chuckled. 

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