A Little Recap

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Percy woke with a start. Annabeth was laying next to him in their bed in the Poseidon Cabin shuttering. The nightmares after Tartarus were horrendous and this was the only way to make sure everyone got some sleep. The Gods gave into letting them sleep in the same bed after a day long argument. Poseidon was the only one who agreed in the first place, but Athena argued and argued. 

After Tartarus the Gods refused to let them be, terrified to let their two most powerful weapons rest and instead gave Percy persmission to go to highschool until needed again. Percy said he would agree to this condition as long as Annabeth was with him every step of the way. Zeus and Athena both said Annabeth would stay at camp and in her own cabin. This caused Percy to get into a fight with Zeus until he was pulled back and calmed down by Annabeth. Then Zeus stated that Annabeth should be destroyed since she was the only person Percy listened to. Well, besides Sally of course.

 Percy went ballistic, because if you threaten Annabeth you're a goner. He  swore at the Gods then did something no one knew he could do. Besides Annabeth who had learned about this power after the war with Gaea was over the same day Percy learned about it. He vapor traveled with Annabeth alongside him out of Olympus. It was like shadow traveling except using the water from the air. This made Zeus more angry but, he knew in the long run he did not want to fight an angry Percy or a pissed off Annabeth. Not to mention that the rest of the seven were in the throne room at the time and Zeus knew if he did anything to Percy or Annabeth he would have a mutany on his hands. Zeus dismissed the seven who were all in shock. Percy swore at Gods and still lived to tell the tale. Besides the fact that the Gods seemed scared of him.

 Even the Gods were a bit terrified of Percy and Annabeth after Tartarus. No god had ever dared to venture the place and the only other known survivor was Nico Di'Angelo who was unconcious through most of it. The only evidence that the two were traumatized was the way they stayed close to eachother and alert. Along with the nightmares and abundancy of scars. Not to mention the shattered look in their eyes. 

Percy and Annabeth had slept in the same bed on the Argo 2 since the night the ventured back from Tartarus. Some thing only the seven plus Nico, Will, Thalia, and Grover knew about and didn't dare question.

After arriving back at camp after vapor traveling it took Percy a half hour to calm down and keep from causing an earthquake. After he relaxed he and Annabeth said no matter what they would go to school together, but just to show Athena that staying together was neccassary they would sleep in separate cabins that night. It went just as they suspected. Two hours after the couple said there I love you's and went to bed camp was awoken by the most terrifying scream. The Athena cabin shot up hearing their fearless sister start screaming and flailing screaming for Percy as if she thought he left her. Campers started to exit their cabins and create a circle around the Athena cabin. 

Almost immediately the crowd disbursed Percy rushing barefoot through them. Everyone backed away seeing the glow in his eyes in the dark. It conveyed that he would go to any lengths to make sure Annabeth was safe. When he arrived at the door he pushed it open. Chiron was already in the Cabin along with Mr.D. The second Percy entered all the campers stepped back making a clear path to Annabeth. The only problem was Mr.D and Chiron. Chiron was trying and failing to calm Annabeth while Mr.D having been at the Godly meeting stood in front of Annabeths bunk arms crossed knowing Zeus would be pissed if he let Percy through. Although when the God of Wine looked into Percys eyes he decided he would rather deal with an angry Zeus than an Annabeth deprived Percy. He stepped aside as Percy ran up. Chiron backing away, hating seeing his two favorite campers in pain. 

Percy then whispered the magic words pulling Annabeth off the bed into his lap "I love you, were together, always" Annabeth woke with a start crying. Heres a fact none of the campers had ever seen Annabeth cry besides when it came to Percy's safety. Everyone to Olympus and back knew they were soulmates. Percy scooped Annabeth up bridal style and carried her back to the Poseidon cabin. The next day when the couple woke up, Percy found a note stating that the Gods agrees to the couples terms. They would be starting at Goode highschool together living in the Jackson-Blofis apartment.

 Back to the present.

Percy pulled Annabeth closer and held her hand to keep her from flailing. "Im here, we are together, I love you" The shaking stopped and Annabeth started to mumble. Percy kissed her temple a tear dripping from his own eye, it hurting him to see her in pain.  Finally with a gasp she woke up, her eyes wide and red. Percy sighed in relief and pulled her closer as she started to cry. 

"I thought–" she started.

 Percy kissed her fiercely "your never getting away from me ever again" 

Annabeth gave a watery smile "as long as were together" She pulled herself into him relaxing when she hear his heartbeat. Percy kissed her forward and they fell back into a dreamless sleep.

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