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Kian stood on the sands alone.

The crowd were getting restless as boos rang out, directed at the missing boy who many couldn't even remember from the first round. He was the commoner who was saved by Apollo, the peasant who didn't even deserve to have gotten this far. Now he dared to not show up on time, when his name was called.

"Ellis Tucker?" The announcer called out again, as if he might appear if called enough times. He turned to confer with some of the officials who muttered and nodded in agreement. Ellis had little time to make an appearance.

"Tucker has failed to turn up and so by default, the victory goes to-"

The spectators displeasure grew as Ellis jogged out of the tunnel into the sunlight, his sword wedged under his arm as he struggled to fasten the straps of his armour.

"Better late than never, I guess." The announcer spoke plainly, just loud enough for Lukas to pick up from the Fighter's room below him. "We shall commence the penultimate bout."

The crowd picked up again as action seemed to be around the corner once again, and without wasting anymore time, the fight began.

Kian drew up both hands, which straight away began to emit the red aura of fire magic. Sensing the impatience of the crowd, he advanced on the imposing figure of Ellis before him.

Before they could come to blows, Ellis flung his sword to the ground.

"Do you think I will fight for your entertainment?" He raised his hands and circled around, addressing the whole crowd.

Lukas, along with everyone else, was bewildered at first. It didn't take long before the jeers and taunting started up again, directed at Ellis. Objects were thrown at him, an apple bounced off his tunic, whilst a stone sailed over his shoulder – whatever they could get their hands on.

Kian's hands, now back to normal, were by his side as he watched the scene unfold. His opponent clearly wasn't interested in fighting anymore.

Ellis turned to the captain's and pointed. "Apollo Winthrope, I challenge you." He wore a smile on his face, but Lukas could tell it was fake, for some reason there was pain underneath the guise. "Now wouldn't that be entertaining." Ellis addressed the crowd once more.

A band of royal guards broke into the arena, charging at Ellis who held his hands up submissively. Without resisting, Ellis allowed his hands to be tugged behind his back, restraining him as he was dragged away.

Lukas rose from his chair and headed for the door. He had to talk to Ellis. He had put up with his closed off approach for too long, allowing Ellis to keep things to himself. He wanted answers now.

"Hold on, not so fast," Erik stepped in front of the door.

"Let me talk to Ellis," Lukas said.

"I don't know if you realise, but that pointless stunt your little friend pulled out there means Kian won. It's our turn to fight now." Erik grinned gleefully, as if he had been patiently waiting for this moment to arrive. "You and I are going straight down to the prep room, no more waiting." He pulled the door open, gesturing Lukas through.

A pair of attendants waited on the other side of the door and prompted the combatants to follow. Lukas followed the finely dressed guides in silence, conflicting thoughts swirling in his head. Even Erik didn't say a word, which worried Lukas all the more.

This was no longer a spat with someone he disliked, this was a fight which determined his future. If he could pull off a victory here, one of the noble squads would have no choice but to recruit him, it was the only outcome he could hope for as a commoner.

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