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"You ready to head out?"

The whole of Rosehallow had gathered at the edge of the village to bid farewell to the young boys, soon to be men. There was no music or chatter to mask the sour atmosphere under the midday sun.

Lukas stood at the entrance to the path.

"Follow this road straight," Tobias gestured to the wildly overgrown track, "you will pass through a town called Ormwell, ask for directions to Ferlandia there."

Lukas nodded, strangely calm about his uncharted future. He had always known this day would come, Tobias had drilled it into him since he was young. If anything, he felt a sense of eagerness. He couldn't help but feel there was more to life than this tiny village he called home. Stories of adventure and monsters had fascinated him, almost driving him from the village as he yearned for experiences to tell his own stories. Yet he also felt a helpless responsibility for those he was leaving behind, as life would be tougher for them than even before.

"The register for conscription will be at midday this time next week, though the trip to the capital should take only five days," Tobias had made the journey many a time to fetch vital resources for the village, like Tilly the mare, to replace the one they had lost last winter. "You will have time to spare but don't loiter about. You know what happens when you're not there to answer your name."

A cold wave of dread swept over Lukas. A few years back, a boy left to join the army as all others do. Two weeks later, soldiers rode into the village atop huge muscled beasts of the like Lukas had never seen. Tobias called them horses though Lukas hadn't believed them to be the same animal as Tilly. The soldiers claimed the boy had never arrived for conscription and that Rosehallow would be punished for not obeying the law. They proceeded to set fire to three houses and claimed barrels of food as compensation. Two villagers died in the fire and another seven died of starvation that winter. The mystery behind the boy's disappearance was never solved. Since that day, the villagers of Rosehallow would live in a state of constant fear every time a boy departed to join the army, should they not make it in time for roll call.

"I'll make it," Lukas adjusted the straps of his sack until it sat comfortably on his back, "I'll make sure Jaspar does too."

Tobias turned to the boy, who was in his mother's arms one last time. Jaspar had had a look of resolve on his face all morning, like he had finally come to terms with his fate. Not turning up at the capital meant putting the lives of his family at risk and he could see that now. Lukas respected him for that.

His mother finally let him go, holding back his two little sisters who sobbed into their mother's shawl, not quite understanding why their big brother was leaving.

"We ready?" Jaspar asked confidently, joining Lukas and Tobias at the entrance to the path. He was putting on a front in the effort to make his departure less painful, however a crack in his voice revealed his true feelings

Tobias slapped a firm hand on each of the boy's backs, "I look forward to hearing your stories of adventure and victories upon your return."

"Come Jaspar," Lukas took his first step down the path, "let's go make a name for ourselves so our stories reach even Rosehallow."

"Those stories will be told of me," Jaspar begun to run ahead as silent tears leaked from his eyes. He pushed through a low hanging branch and was no longer visible to the onlooking villagers. Lukas broke into a steady jog, not wanting to lose sight of his companion from the off.

Within a moment, the two boys left behind everything they knew to enter an unfamiliar world.

"I have a feeling you will be a completely different man next time we meet, Lukas." Tobias smiled; his eyes full of anticipation.

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